Social work faculty, students, alumni presenting at SSWR 2025
More than 50 VCU School of Social Work faculty, students and alumni have had presentations accepted or are serving in other roles with sessions such as special interest groups, roundtables or symposia at the Society for Social Work and Research 2025 conference in Seattle, Jan. 15-19, 2025.
In total there are 69 presentations or sessions involving one or more of our 15 faculty, 10 doctoral candidates or students, and nearly 30 alumni.
All sessions are being held at the Sheraton Grand Seattle, and all times are PST.
Thursday, Jan. 16, 2025
Climate Change, Human Displacement, and Social Work Practice
Carmen Monico (Ph.D.’13), VCUSSW alum & North Carolina A&T State University; Helen Tadese, M.S.W, University of North Carolina-Greensboro; Mashooq Salehin, Ph.D., N.C. A&T; Kevin Cook, M.B.A., Thammasat University, Pranakorn, Thailand
- 1:30-3 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Sustainable Development, Environmental and Climate Justice: Community adaptation, resilience, and capacity building
Harnessing Qualitative Research to Promote Reproductive Justice: Understanding and Addressing Structural Inequities in Birthing and Parenting
Organizer: Laura Swan (Ph.D.’21), VCUSSW alum & University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 1:30-3 p.m., Ballard, Level 3
- Symposium
Understanding the Impact of Wisconsin’s Birth Cost Recovery Policy on Black Families: Qualitative Findings from a Community-Engaged, Mixed-Methods Study
Laura Swan (Ph.D.’21), VCUSSW alum & University of Wisconsin-Madison; Mikaela Miller, B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison; Tiffany Green, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 1:30-3 p.m., Ballard, Level 3
- Symposium – Harnessing Qualitative Research to Promote Reproductive Justice: Understanding and Addressing Structural Inequities in Birthing and Parenting
Reintegration of Street-Connected Children & Youth in Kenya: Evaluation of Agape Children’s Ministry’s Family Strengthening Program
Johanna Greeson, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania; John Gyourko (M.S.W.’20), Ph.D., VCUSSW alum & James Madison University; Sarah Wasch, M.S.W., University of Pennsylvania; Chris Page, Agape Children’s Ministry, Kisumu, Kenya
- 1:30-3 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – International Social Work & Global Issues: International social work policy and programs
Sexual Violence, Post-Victimization Outcomes, and Structural Racism Among Latinas: A Latent Class Analysis
Stefani Baca-Atlas, Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Trenette Goings (Ph.D.’08), VCUSSW alum & UNC-Chapel Hill
- 1:30-3 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Violence against Women and Children: Racial Justice and Interpersonal Violence
Utilizing Little Pantries to Address Campus Food Insecurity: A Qualitative Exploration of College Student Experiences
Youngmi Kim, Ph.D., VCUSSW professor; Jennifer Murphy (Ph.D.’23), VCUSSW alum & University of Texas at Arlington; Jessica Hoy (M.S.W.’23), VCUSSW alum & Ashland Churches Network; John Jones, Ph.D., VCU Life Sciences
- 1:30-3 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Health: Health Equity
Towards a Broader Understanding of US National Incidence of Child Maltreatment: Four Studies Using Administrative Data
Organizer: Rachel Rosenberg (Ph.D.’18), VCUSSW alum & Child Trends
- 3:15-4:45 p.m., Willow B, Level 2
- Symposium
Examining Mandated Reporting Policies and Reports Rates and Likelihood of Substantiation
Rachel Rosenberg (Ph.D.’18), VCUSSW alum & Child Trends; Sarah Catherine Williams, M.S.W., Child Trends; Valerie Martinez, M.P.H., Child Trends; Ja’Chelle Ball, B.A., Child Trends
- 3:15-4:45 p.m., Willow B, Level 2
- Symposium – Towards a Broader Understanding of US National Incidence of Child Maltreatment: Four Studies Using Administrative Data
Examining Socioeconomic Contextual Factors Effects on Cfsr-3 Performance and Race-Specific Outcomes
Leanne Heaton (Ph.D.’10), VCUSSW alum & University of Chicago; William Sabol, Ph.D., Georgia State University; Miranda Baumann, Ph.D., Georgia State University; Arya Harison, M.P.A., University of Chicago
- 3:15-4:45 p.m., Willow B, Level 2
- Symposium – Towards a Broader Understanding of US National Incidence of Child Maltreatment: Four Studies Using Administrative Data
Fractured Allyship: Disillusionment and Re-Defining Identity Among Jewish and Israeli Faculty
Judith Leitch, Ph.D., California State University-Sacramento; Sara Schwartz (M.S.W.’01), Ph.D., VCUSSW alum & University of Southern California; Corey Shdaimah, Ph.D., University of Maryland; Maayan Lawental, Ph.D., University of South Florida; Shelley Horowitz, M.S.W., State University of New York-Stony Brook; Rafael Engel, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
- 3:15-4:45 p.m., Redwood B, Level 2
- Symposium – Whose Social Justice? Re-Examining Inclusion and Belonging for Jewish and Israeli Faculty
“I Thought It Would Have Been like a Scene from a Show. but It Wasn’t”: A Qualitative Analysis of How Black LGBTQ People Experience Identity-Based Community
Keith Watts (Ph.D.’21), SSW alum & University of Kentucky; Shawndaya Thrasher, Ph.D., Louisiana State University; Alex Wagaman, Ph.D., VCUSSW associate professor
- 3:15-4:45 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: LGBTQIA+ BIPOC experiences
Impacts of an Online Intervention for Korean Faith Leaders on Community Members’ Domestic Violence Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors
Y. Joon Choi (Ph.D.’11), VCUSSW alum & Georgia State University; Yafan Chen, Ph.D., Rutgers University; Jeong-Yeob Han, Ph.D., University of Georgia; Kyunghyun Ahn, University of Georgia; Pamela Orpinas, Ph.D., University of Georgia
- 3:15-4:45 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Violence against Women and Children: Interpersonal Violence Prevention
Importance of Culturally Competent Research & Practice Tools for LGBTQ Populations
Jennie Pless, M.S.W., University of Georgia; Adrienne Baldwin-White, P.h.D, VCUSSW assistant professor
- 3:15-4:45 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Disproportionate social and health outcomes
Friday, Jan. 17, 2025
Bridging Gaps between Education and Practice: Challenges of the Health Social Workers in Mongolia
Zoljargalan Gantumur, M.S.W., VCUSSW doctoral student; Sugarmaa Myagmarjav, Ph.D., Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (MNUMS); Nansalmaa Khaidav, M.A.,MNUMS; Avirmed Dorjsuren, M.A., MNUMS; Denise Burnette, Ph.D., VCUSSW professor
- 8-9:30 a.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Research on Social Work Education: Educational Outcomes
Community Health Workers’ Perspective on Family Functioning Among Sri Lankan Refugees
Marianne Lund, M.S.W., M.Ed., VCUSSW doctoral student; Jennifer Murphy (Ph.D.’23), VCUSSW alum & University of Texas at Arlington; Miriam Kuttikat, Ph.D, VCUSSW associate professor; Muna Saleh, M.S.W., VCUSSW doctoral candidate; Paola Roldán, M.S., VCUSSW doctoral candidate
- 8-9:30 a.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Immigrants and Refugees: Immigrant health and mental health
Exploring the Impact of Discrimination on Healthcare Access Among Latinx Adolescents
Christina Huerta, Ph.D., VCUSSW assistant professor
- 8-9:30 a.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – LatinX Focused-Research: Health and mental health
Personal Recovery for Transition Age Youth and Young Adults with Mental Health Conditions: A Systematic Review
Aaron Rodwin, LCSW, New York University; Sarah Watson, NYU; Daniel Baslock, Ph.D., VCUSSW assistant professor; Victoria Stanhope, Ph.D., NYU; Michelle Munson, Ph.D., NYU
- 8-9:30 a.m., Redwood B, Level 2
- Flash talks – Cluster: Mental health
Physical and Emotional Sibling Violence & Adult Attachment in Close Relationships: Comparisons between Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Individuals
Kimberly Dressman, M.S.W., Loyola University-Chicago; Nathan Perkins (Ph.D.’14), VCUSSW alum & Loyola University; Brian Kelly, Ph.D., Loyola University; Erik Lees, M.S.W., Turning Point BHC
- 8-9:30 a.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: LGBTQIA+ families
Structural Racism, Housing, and Intimate and Sexual Violence: A Scoping Review
Stefani Baca-Atlas, Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Michael Baca-Atlas, M.D., UNC-Chapel Hill; Brittany Love, M.Div., independent scholar; Erum Agha, Ph.D., UNC-Chapel Hill; Trenette Goings (Ph.D.’08), VCUSSW alum & UNC-Chapel Hill
- 8-9:30 a.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Race and Ethnicity: Racial Policies, Issues, and Gaps
Unveiling the Interconnections between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Adult Attachment, and Adult Children’s Relationships with Parents: Insights from a Longitudinal Study in China
Lixia Zhang, Ph.D., University of Louisville; Xiafei Wang, Ph.D., Syracuse University; Camie Tomlinson (Ph.D.’23), VCUSSW alum & University of Louisville
- 8-9:30 a.m., Kirkland, Level 3
- Cluster – Children, Youth and Family functioning in global settings
Utilizing a Multi-Stage Validation Process with Exploratory Graph Analyses to Examine the Underlying Dimensionality of Factor Structures
Jamie Cage, Ph.D., VCUSSW associate professor; Chin-Chih Chen, Ph.D., VCU School of Education; Yuyan Xia, Ph.D., University of Kentucky; Fa Zhang, Ph.D., VCU; Yaoying Xu, Ph.D., VCU School of Education
- 8-9:30 a.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Research Design and Measurement: Measurement/Psychometrics
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) and Dating Violence Victimization in Young Adulthood
Aely Park, Sunchon National University; Youngmi Kim, Ph.D., VCUSSW professor
- 9:45-11:15 a.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level
- Category – Violence against Women and Children: Dating Violence
Career Choice Among Cambodian American Social Service Providers Serving Cambodian Communities: A Qualitative Analysis
José Reyes, Ph.D., California State University-Long Beach,; Luis Alvarez, Cal State-Long Beach; Joanna Barreras, Ph.D., Cal State-Long Beach; Suzie Weng (Ph.D.’13), VCUSSW alum & formerly Cal State-Long Beach; Alysha Kim, Cal State-Long Beach
- 9:45-11:15 a.m., Columbia, Level 4
- Cluster – Civic Engagement, Drug Use, and Career Choice in Youth
Impacts of Polytrauma in Complex Emergencies: Role of Natural Disaster Exposure on Social Functioning Among Urban Somali Refugee Youth
Muna Saleh, M.S.W., VCUSSW doctoral candidate; Hyojin Im, Ph.D., VCUSSW associate professor
- 9:45-11:15 a.m, Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – International Social Work & Global Issues: Global Health
Labor Trafficking Among Youth and Young Adults in Malawi and Zambia: Understanding the Scope and Context
David Okech, Ph.D., University of Georgia; Anna Cody (Ph.D.’20), VCUSSW alum & UGA; Hui Yi, Ph.D., UGA; Lydia Aletraris, Ph.D., UGA; Claire Bolton, Ph.D., UGA; Edward Chibwili, University of Zambia; Joseph Chunga, University of Malawi; Cassandra Eng, M.A., UGA; Pedro Goulart, Ph.D., UGA; Megan E. Gordon, B.A., UGA
- 9:45-11:15 a.m., Medina, Level 3
- Cluster – Contemporary Issues in Human Trafficking
Love & Duty in the Final Chapter: Experiences with Advocacy and Abuse/Neglect Allegations for Home-Based Caregivers of Family Elders
Carol Grace Hurst (Ph.D.’07), VCUSSW alum & Eastern Mennonite University
- 9:45-11:15 a.m., Boren, Level 4
- Cluster – Elder abuse
The Protective Role of Social Support: Examining the Relationship between Discrimination and Well-Being in Black LGB Individuals
Miya Tate, M.S.W., Louisiana State University; Keith Watts (Ph.D.’21), VCUSSW alum & University of Kentucky; Darius Gwynn, Ph.D., Bowie State University; Shawndaya Thrasher, Ph.D., LSU; DeKeitra Griffin, M.S.W., LSU; Iriel Nunnery, LSU; Jalynn Stubbs, M.S.W., Kentucky Department of Education
- 9:45-11:15 a.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – School Social Work: LGBTQIA+ BIPOC experiences
Understanding Practice Change across an Evaluation of the Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative
Jason Sawyer (Ph.D.’14), VCUSSW alum & James Bell Associates; Michael Henson, Ph.D., James Bell Associates; Amanda Barczyk, Ph.D., James Bell Associates
- 9:45-11:15 a.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Child Welfare: Child Welfare Services, Systems, and Workforce
Gade Social Work Doctoral Education SIG
Conveners: Mimi Chapman, Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Denise Burnette, Ph.D., VCUSSW professor; Jonathan Okstad, Ph.D., Northwestern University
- 12:30-1:30 p.m., Virginia, Level 4
- Special interest group
Research and Advocacy for Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Communities SIG
Conveners: Deborah Moon, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh; Duy Nguyen, Ph.D., Sacred Heart University; Christina Babusci, M.S.S., University of Pittsburgh; Hyunjin Lee, M.S.W., University of Pittsburgh; Jessica Cho Kim, LCSW, University of Pennsylvania; Katie Kim, M.S.W., VCUSSW doctoral student
- 12:30-1:30 p.m., Ravenna C, Level 3
- Special interest group
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Loneliness of College Students: Exploring the Moderating Effect of Positive Childhood Experiences
Aely Park, Sunchon National University; Youngmi Kim, Ph.D., VCUSSW professor
- 2-3:30 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Violence against Women and Children: Children Exposed to Violence
Immigrants Held in U.S. Government-Funded Facilities during and after COVID-Era Border Restrictions
Carmen Monico (Ph.D.’13), VCUSSW alum & North Carolina A&T State University; Neema Olagbemiro, M.S.W., N.C. A&T; Alice Jones, M.S.W., N.C. A&T
- 2-3:30 p.m., Issaquah B, Level 3
- Cluster – Navigating Borders and Barriers in the Migration Context
Exploring the Impact of School Instability on the Outcomes of Youth with Foster Care Histories: A Structured Review of the Literature
Victoria Cashio, M.S.W., VCUSSW doctoral student; Muna Saleh, M.S.W., VCUSSW doctoral student; Jamie Cage, Ph.D., VCUSSW associate professor; Ramiel Martinez (M.S.W.’24), VCUSSW alum; Philip Lee, VCU undergraduate student; Noah Thomas, VCU undergraduate student
- 3:45-5:15 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level
- Category – Adolescent and Youth Development: School and Out of School Time Experiences among Youth
Increasing Diagnosis of Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders in Community Mental Health Centers By Financial Incentive
Daniel Baslock, Ph.D., VCUSSW assistant professor
- 3:45-5:15 p.m., Jefferson A, Level 4
- Cluster – Resilience and prevention, trauma, and systems of care
Examining the Relationship between Food Insecurity and Risk of Sexual Violence Among College Students
Adrienne Baldwin-White, Ph.D., VCUSSW assistant professor; VCU Spit for Science
- 5:30-7 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Violence against Women and Children: Intersections of Violence & Trauma
How We Use the City: A Critical Phenomenology of Gentrification Threat
Jason Sawyer (Ph.D.’14), VCUSSW alum & James Bell Associates; Vanessa Stout, Ph.D., California State University-Los Angeles; Nathan Perkins (Ph.D.’14), VCUSSW alum & Loyola University-Chicago; D. Crystal Coles (Ph.D.’15), VCUSSW alum & James Bell Associates
- 5:30-7 p.m., Ravenna B, Level 3
- Cluster – Place and gentrification
“I Wanted to be Proactive, but I Am Too Exhausted”: Challenges and Stressors in Navigating End-of-Life Care for Older Parents Living with Dementia in China
Yifan Lou, Ph.D., VCUSSW assistant professor; Jinyu Liu, Ph.D., Baylor University; Kedong Ding, M.S.W., Case Western Reserve University
- 5:30-7 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Aging Services and Gerontology: Caregiving for Older Adults
“Kids Need Somebody to Care”: A Thematic Analysis Exploring the Impact of Black Fathers’ Youth Violence Experiences and Prevention Efforts on Their Health and Children’s Violence Involvement in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Shawndaya Thrasher, Ph.D., Louisiana State University; Keith Watts (Ph.D.’21), VCUSSW alum & University of Kentucky; Sherella Cupid, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University; Sean Brune, M.S.W., LSU; DeKeitra Griffin, M.S.W., LSU; Miya Tate, M.S.W., LSU; Tammy Henderson, University of Maryland-Baltimore County,
- 5:30-7 p.m.,Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Black and African Diaspora Focused-Research: Violence
Mi Jornada, Dejando La Casa: Depictions of Resilience from Drawings By Latino Children Crossing the U.S.-Mexican Border
Doroty Sato, Ph.D., University of Louisville; Bibhuti Sar (Ph.D.’94), VCUSSW alum & University of Louisville; Andrew Winters, Ph.D., University of Louisville; Gregory Cuellar, Ph.D., Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary; Sunshine Rote, Ph.D., University of Louisville
- 5:30-7 p.m., Columbia, Level 4
- Cluster – Unaccompanied and Under-documented Youth
The Moderating Role of School Engagement on the Relationship between Childhood Adversity and Latent Profiles of Mental and Behavioral Health Among Child Welfare-Involved Adolescents
Camie Tomlinson (Ph.D.’23), VCUSSW alum & University of Louisville; Jennifer Murphy (Ph.D.’23), VCUSSW alum & University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington; Kelly O’Connor, Ph.D., VCU Health; Jennifer Tinman, M.P.H., University of Louisville; Jamie Cage, Ph.D., VCUSSW associate professor
- 5:30-7 p.m., Cedar B, Level 2
- Cluster – Education, Schools and Youth Social-Emotional Wellbeing
Moral Injury in Social Work: An Experiential Model to Shape Future Research
Judith Havlicek, Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign; Jennifer Sedivy, M.S.W., University of Denver; Jennifer Elkins, Ph.D., University of Georgia; Shane Brady (Ph.D.’12), VCUSSW alum & Western Michigan University
- 5:30-7 p.m., Virgina, Level 4
- Roundtable
The Multilevel Mediation Effect of Hcbs between Neighborhood Characteristics and Older Virginians Self-Rated Health
Seon Kim (Ph.D.’24), VCUSSW alum & Drexel University
- 5:30-7 p.m., Grand Ballroom C
- Category – Health: Social and Structural Determinants of Health
Navigating Social Determinants of Health Among Refugee Newcomers: A Qualitative Exploration of Meaning of Healthy Living Among Afghan, Bhutanese, and Congolese Refugees
Reem Shawkat, M.A., VCUSSW doctoral student; Hyojin Im, Ph.D., VCUSSW associate professor
- 5:30-7 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Immigrants and Refugees: Immigrant health and mental health
The Role of Alcohol Use in the Relationship between Bullying Victimization and Suicidality: Differences between Gay/Lesbian and Bisexual Youth
Traci Wike, Ph.D., VCUSSW associate professor; Leah Bouchard (Ph.D.’21), VCUSSW alum & James Bell Associates
- 5:30-7 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: LGBTQIA+ youth
Social Work in a Time of Algorithms: The Urgency of Interdisciplinary Collaboration on Artificial Intelligence Design, Development and Deployment
Clara Berridge, Ph.D., University of Washington; John Bricout (Ph.D.’98), VCUSSW alum & University of Texas-San Antonio; Lauri Goldkind, Ph.D., Fordham University
- 5:30-7 p.m., Jefferson B, Level 4
- Roundtable
Using a Community-Based Participatory Approach to Develop a Culturally Sensitive Intervention for Chinese American Family Caregivers
Jinyu Liu, Ph.D., Baylor University; Yifan Lou, Ph.D., VCUSSW assistant professor; Ethan Siu Leung Cheung, Ph.D., University of Utah
- 5:30-7 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Communities and Neighborhoods: Community-engaged or community-based participatory research
Using Experiential Learning to Build Empathy, Generalist Skills, and Core Competency in Addiction Practice and Education
Chaniece Winfield, Ph.D., Old Dominion University; Jason Sawyer (Ph.D.’14), VCUSSW alum & James Bell Associates
- 5:30-7 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Research on Social Work Education: Engaged Teaching and Learning
Saturday, Jan. 18, 2025
Harnessing Tech for Social Good (Grand Challenge for Social Work) SIG
Jonathan Singer, Ph.D., Loyola University-Chicago; Johanna Creswell Baez, Ph.D., University of Colorado-Colorado Springs; Lauri Goldkind, Ph.D., Fordham University; M. Sebrena Jackson, Ph.D., University of Alabama; John Bricout (Ph.D.’98), VCUSSW alum & University of Texas-San Antonio; Jennifer Parga, M.S.W., University of Southern California; Steven Anderson, Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
- 7-8 a.m., Redwood A, Level 2
- Special interest group
Social Work and Reproductive Justice SIG
Laura Swan (Ph.D.’21), VCUSSW alum & University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jessica Liddell, Ph.D., University of Montana; Celina Doria, Ph.D., University of Chicago
- 7-8 a.m., Willow A, Level 2
- Special interest group
Change in Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) Scores over Time Among Youth in out-of-Home Care: A Latent Growth Curve Analysis
Camie Tomlinson (Ph.D.’23), VCUSSW alum & University of Louisville; Andrew Winters, Ph.D., University of Louisville; Crystal Collins-Camargo, Ph.D., University of Louisville; Lizzie Minton, D.S.W., University of Louisville
- 8-9:30 a.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Child Welfare: Prevention and Intervention
Child Mental Health Predictors Among Camp Tamil Refugees: Utilizing Linear and Xgboost Models
Muna Saleh, M.S.W., VCUSSW doctoral candidate; Elizabeth Amona, VCU Department of Statistical Sciences & Operations Research; Miriam Kuttikat, Ph.D, VCUSSW associate professor; Indranil Sahoo, Ph.D., VCU Department of Statistical Sciences & Operations Research; David Chan, Ph.D., VCU Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics; Jennifer Murphy (Ph.D.’23), VCUSSW alum & University of Texas at Arlington; Kyeongmo Kim, Ph.D., VCUSSW associate professor; Marianne Lund, Ph.D., VCUSSW doctoral student
- 8-9:30 a.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Immigrants and Refugees: Immigrant health and mental health
Strengthening DEI and Racial Justice through Collaborative, Community-Based Research
Susan McCarter (Ph.D.’97), VCUSSW alum & UNC Charlotte
- 8-9:30 a.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Organizations & Management: Workforce Diversity, Inclusion, and Well-being
Understanding the Roles, Relationships, and Barriers Experienced By People Who Are Unhoused with K9 Companions: An Exploratory Study
Shane Brady (Ph.D.’12), VCUSSW alum & Western Michigan University; Jedediah Bragg, Ph.D., New Mexico Highlands University
- 8-9:30 a.m., Columbia, Level 4
- Cluster – Housing and homelessness among racial minorities and disadvantaged populations
Barriers and Facilitators of Implementing a Values-Based Program Model for Youth Experiencing Homelessness: A Qualitative Exploration
Alex Wagaman, Ph.D., VCUSSW associate professor; Jenée Lee, M.S.W., VCUSSW doctoral candidate; Paola Roldán, M.S., VCUSSW doctoral candidate; Maurice Gattis, Ph.D., VCUSSW associate professor
- 9:45-11:15 a.m., Leschi, Level 3
- Cluster – Practice Innovations to Support Youth
Conceptualizing Trans-Inclusive Healthcare: Environmental and Interpersonal Factors of Healthcare Provision
Jarrod Call, Ph.D., University of Washington; Jacob Goffnett, Ph.D., VCUSSW assistant professor, Emily Medina, VCU student; Jeff Ciak, M.S.W., VCUSSW doctoral student; Kelly Clary, Ph.D., Texas State University; Roberto Ventura, M.Arch, VCU School of the Arts
- 9:45-11:15 a.m., Columbia, Level 4
- Cluster – Trans Inclusive Health and Health Care
Engaging Focal Populations in Study Co-Design to Embed Community and Youth Voice in Equitable, Actionable Research
Organizer: Alaina Flannigan, Ph.D., Child Trends. Discussant: Rachel Rosenberg (Ph.D.’18), VCUSSW alum & Child Trends
- 9:45-11:15 a.m., Seneca, Level 4
- Symposium
Exploring Latinx Parental Perspectives on Youth Mental Health and Discrimination
Christina Huerta, Ph.D., VCUSSW assistant professor; Elizur Bello, M.S.W., The Next Door
- 9:45-11:15 a.m., Issaquah A, Level 3
- Cluster – Immigration, Discrimination, and Stigma in Latinx Populations: Social and Structural Considerations
Understanding Racial/Ethnic Identity Shifts Among Emerging Adults with Foster Care Experience
Alaina Flannigan, Ph.D., Child Trends; Rachel Rosenberg (Ph.D.’18), VCUSSW alum & Child Trends
- 9:45-11:15 a.m., Seneca, Level 4
- Cluster – Engaging Focal Populations in Study Co-Design to Embed Community and Youth Voice in Equitable, Actionable Research
Youth and Young Adult Homelessness SIG
Conveners: Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Ph.D., University of Denver; Alex Wagaman, Ph.D., VCUSSW associate professor; Hsun-Ta Hsu, Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
- 12:30-1:30 p.m., Medina, Level 3
- Special interest group
Can Artificial Intelligence Write a Good Clinical Note? Using NLP Methods to Determine Clinic Note Quality
Victoria Stanhope, Ph.D.; New York University; Nari Yoo, M.A., NYU; Elizabeth Matthews, Ph.D., Fordham University; Yuanyuan Hu, M.S.W., NYU; Daniel Baslock, Ph.D., VCUSSW assistant professor; Samantha Luxmikanthan, NYU
- 4-5:30 p.m., Redwood B, Level 2
- Cluster – Computational Approaches to Social Work Research Utilizing Text As ‘big Data’
Examining the Mediating Role of Depression and Anxiety in the Relationship between PTSD and Somatic Symptoms Among Somali Refugee Youth
Hyunjin Lee, M.S.W., University of Pittsburgh; Hyojin Im, Ph.D., VCUSSW associate professor
- 4-5:30 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – International Social Work & Global Issues: Displaced populations, migrants, and refugees
Family Support Decreases Self-Stigma about Substance Use Problems Among Participants in Collegiate Recovery Programs By Reducing the Stigma They Perceive from Others
Ya-Li Yang, M.S.W., VCUSSW doctoral student; Mer Francis, Ph.D., VCUSSW assistant professor; Karen Chartier, Ph.D., VCUSSW associate professor
- 4-5:30 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors: Addictive Behaviors and Co-Occurring Problems
ICT Use and Depressive Symptoms Among Asian American Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jinyu Liu, Ph.D., Baylor University; Ethan Siu Leung Cheung, Ph.D., University of Utah; Yifan Lou, Ph.D., VCUSSW assistant professor
- 4-5:30 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Aging Services and Gerontology: Technology
The Relationship between Race Related Stress and Sexual Assault
Adrienne Baldwin-White, Ph.D., VCUSSW assistant professor; Reem Shawkat, M.A., VCUSSW doctoral student
- 4-5:30 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Black and African Diaspora Focused-Research: Violence
Research at the Intersections of Christianity and Transgender and Non Binary Identities: A Systematic Literature Review
Veronica Timbers (M.S.W.’06), Ph.D., VCUSSW alum & University of Utah; Tayon Swafford, M.S.W., Indiana University
- 4-5:30 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Gender: Gender and religion/religious communities
“We Want to be There to Support…Do We Have the Capacity to Do That?” an Exploration of Current Priorities and Challenges in the Field of School Social Work
Jennifer Murphy (Ph.D.’23), VCUSSW alum & University of Texas-Arlington; Katherine Borge, Texas-Arlington; Danielle Harrell, Ph.D., Texas-Arlington
- 4-5:30 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – School Social Work: Education, Behavior, and Mental Health Services and Practices
Sunday, Jan. 19, 2025
Development and Validation of a Scale for Measuring Stigma Towards Food Insecurity and Food Pantry Utilization Among College Students
Youngmi Kim, Ph.D., VCUSSW professor; Gary Cuddeback, Ph.D., VCUSSW dean & professor; Kade Goldin, M.S.W., M.Ed, VCUSSW doctoral student; Rachel Wells (M.S.W.’24), VCUSSW alum
- 8-9:30 a.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Inequality, Poverty, and Social Welfare Policy: Nutrition assistance and food insecurity
Elevating PAR in the Social Work Academy: How Can Institutions Meaningfully Embrace Collaborative and Participatory Research?
Anna Ortega-Williams, Ph.D., Hunter College; Ramona Beltran, Ph.D., University of Denver; Alex Wagaman, Ph.D., VCUSSW associate professor; Kimberly Bender, Ph.D., University of Denver; Laura Wernick, Ph.D., Fordham University
- 8-9:30 a.m., Jefferson A, Level 4
- Roundtable
Predictors of Telehealth Services for Mental Health: Using Andersen’s Behavioral Model to Examine Young Adult Service Use
Alan Kunz-Lomelin, LCSW, University of Texas-Arlington; Jennifer Murphy (Ph.D.’23), VCUSSW alum & University of Texas-Arlington
- 8-9:30 a.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – Mental Health: Mental Health Treatment and Services
Visualizing Joy, Activism, and Healing Among LGBTQ+ Latine Folks: A Photovoice Study of Resistance and Resilience in Central Texas
Jacob Goffnett, Ph.D., VCUSSW assistant professor; Kelly Clary, Ph.D., Texas State University; Angela Matijczak (Ph.D.’24), VCUSSW alum & University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Paola Roldán, M.S., VCUSSW doctoral candidate; Andres Navarro, Southwest Texas State University
- 8-9:30 a.m., Cedar B, Level 2
- Cluster – Culturally and Community Grounded Health and Mental Health in Latinx Populations
Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities across Systems through Community-Based, Collaborative Research
Susan McCarter (Ph.D.’97), VCUSSW alum & UNC Charlotte
- 9:45-11:15 a.m., Juniper, Level 2
- Cluster – Actions for racial justice: Ambivalent organizing, visioning, counter-stories and CBPR
At the Intersection of Social Work Research, Practice, and Policy: Academic Advocacy Efforts to Eliminate the Association of Social Work Boards Exams from Professional Licensure Requirements
Matthew DeCarlo (Ph.D.’16), VCUSSW alum & St. Joseph’s University; Janelle Goodwill, Ph.D., University of Chicago; Jen Hirsch, M.S.W., Michigan State University; Sheryl Kubiak, Ph.D., Wayne State University; Michael Massey (Ph.D.’19), VCUSSW alum & The Catholic University of America
- 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Jefferson B, Level 4
- Roundtable
Examining Hope and Bullying Among Sexual and Gender Minority Students
Shane Brady (Ph.D.’12), VCUSSW alum & Western Michigan University; Jedediah Bragg, Ph.D., New Mexico Highlands University; Claudette Grinnell-Davis, Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
- 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Issaquah B, Level 3
- Cluster – Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth
Functional Improvement over Time in Behavioral Health Treatment for Children in out-of-Home Care: Sociodemographic Differences
Crystal Collins-Camargo, Ph.D., Professor, University of Louisville; Camie Tomlinson (Ph.D.’23), VCUSSW alum & University of Louisville; Andrew Winters, Ph.D., University of Louisville; Lizzie Minton, D.S.W., University of Louisville
- 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Ravenna C, Level 3
- Cluster – Mental Health Treatment and Services
Instability and Family Belonging: Young Adult Adoptee Experiences
Nancy Rolock, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University, Kevin White, Ph.D., East Carolina University; Hollee McGinnis, Ph.D., VCUSSW assistant professor (symposium discussant); Heather Ringeisen, Ph.D., RTI International; Rose Domanico, M.A., RTI International
- 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Aspen, Level 2
- Symposium – Understanding Adoptive Family Dynamics: Responses from Young Adults and Adoptive Parents
A Qualitative Study of Future School Social Workers Understanding of Role Responsibilities in Educational Settings
Tasha Childs, Ph.D., University of Missouri; Jennifer Murphy (Ph.D.’23), VCUSSW alum & University of Texas-Arlington
- 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Category – School Social Work: Education, Behavior, and Mental Health Services and Practices
They Just Get Me:” Co-Creating Visibility and Growth through a Trans Specific Mentoring Program
Angela Matijczak (Ph.D.’24), VCUSSW alum & University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Kade Goldin, M.S.W., M.Ed., VCUSSW doctoral student; Alex Wagaman, Ph.D., VCUSSW associate professor; Jama Shelton, Ph.D., City University of New York; Calvin Hall, Ph.D., N.J. Department of Children & Families
- 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Issaquah B, Level 3
- Cluster – Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth