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Provost Announces Phase II for VCU’s Rice Rivers Center

Fotis Sotiropoulos, Ph.D., VCU’s provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, and Srirama Rao, Ph.D., VCU’s vice president for research and innovation, announced today that the VCU Rice Rivers Center is being repositioned to serve as a resource to the entire university. The idea for the change was among the final recommendations of the […]

Gupta appointed vice provost and dean of VCU Graduate School

Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to announce that we are concluding our national search and appointing Manu Gupta, Ph.D. as vice provost and dean of the Graduate School at VCU, effective immediately. Dr. Gupta currently serves as the unit’s interim dean, a position he has held for nearly two years.The Board of Visitors approved the […]

Reaffirming VCU’s commitment to academic freedom and diverse viewpoints in learning

Dear VCU faculty: Thank you for all that you do to help students and advance VCU’s academic mission. Evidence of your accomplishments can be seen across the university: increased student enrollment, rising national rankings, and growing sponsored research. I appreciate your commitment to teaching and fostering critical thinking among our diverse students. I also recognize […]