Update on the Implementation of VCU’s Racial Literacy Requirement
We’re writing with updates regarding the Racial Literacy requirement. Our most recent update is located here to refresh your memory.
Approval timeline
The racial literacy work group is providing assurance that they are working with faculty on 15 new courses, which could bring our total to 17. If the total number of available seats across all course sections meets the requirement set last October, then we can move forward with implementation.
After the racial literacy work group completes its work in the coming days, all courses will need to go through local (department/school/college) curriculum committees and then straight to the UUCC. Special meetings might be required. The courses will need to meet ConnectEd requirements as well.
The Office of the University Registrar is standing by to move approved courses straight into Banner without delay.
Bulletin notes
The AY 2024-25 launch version of the Bulletin is going live soon for March registration. The following statements will appear in the launch version:
For the box at the top of every page:
This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2024-2025 VCU Bulletin. We may add courses that expose our students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning. We may also add content to the general education program that focuses on racial literacy and a racial literacy graduation requirement, and may receive notification of additional program approvals after the launch. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.
For the gen ed page:
Note: Content that focuses on racial literacy and a racial literacy graduation requirement may be added to the general education program in the Foundations section. The requirement will not apply to continuing VCU students who enrolled prior to fall 2024. New transfer students who must satisfy VCU general education requirements and first-time freshmen should consult with an adviser before finalizing their fall 2024 schedule.
Advising and registration
If implemented, the RL requirement will apply to incoming freshmen, transfer students who do not have an associates degree, and students who are re-entering under the new bulletin.
SEMSS is handling communications to those populations with appropriate instructions. Incoming freshmen are not building schedules until May/June/July, and they meet with first year advisors to build/review their schedules. The Transfer Center is working on a list of course equivalencies for UUCC review.
Best Regards,
Andrew T. Arroyo, Ed.D.
Interim senior vice provost for academic affairs
Faye Oliff Prichard
Chair, UUCC
Director of Writing, Honors College