Assessing teaching effectiveness committee launched
Dear Colleagues:
I am pleased to announce a new committee that will work to improve how VCU assesses teaching effectiveness. This important subject touches everything from the success of the students we serve, to the promotion and tenure of our faculty, and the accreditation of our university. (Further background information)
The most recent report on student evaluation of teaching was put together by the Academic and Professional Status Committee of VCU’s Faculty Senate which was chaired by Kristine Artello (undated). This White Paper provides a comprehensive background about the concerns with the structure, process, and content of teaching evaluations. But we need to assess these details, make recommendations, and plan for implementation.
In order to improve the system for a fair and equitable assessment of teaching; one that will provide faculty members information to improve their teaching, the Committee will review the structure, process, and the content of students evaluations of teaching and develop an implementation plan. Additionally, the committee will provide recommendations for adopting a holistic approach to considering teaching effectiveness. The committee charge is here.
The committee will submit a report to me by April 30, 2024. This report will be shared with the faculty community, including the Faculty Senate, for input and insights; as well as other stakeholders before the recommendations/plan are implemented.
The committee will be co-chaired by Susan Coombes, Interim Director, CTLE, associate professor of Management & Entrepreneurship, School of Business and Jeff Wilson, professor, School of Education and associate dean, Graduate School. Committee members are listed here.
Warmest Regards,
Fotis Sotiropoulos, Ph.D.
Provost and senior vice president for academic affairs