President’s Posts

Michael Rao, Ph.D.

Category results for: Quest

Collaborative Research: Working Together to Make a Difference

  For many years, I have talked about making sure that what we do at VCU matter beyond our own campus, about focusing our limited resources toward solving urgent and vital problems people face, amd about making the biggest possibilities of life more accessible to more people. Since 1838, we have committed to being a […]

Fully committed to your success

Dear VCU and VCU Health System Communities,   As we work together to advance our distinctive mission as a nationally premier research university and academic health center, the most important commitment we make is the one we make to each other.  We strive to build an environment in which every one of us can succeed.  […]

Opportunities to promote inclusion from the classroom to the conference room

The VCU community has called for the continued development of courses, classroom learning experiences and professional development opportunities that are inclusive and engage across disciplinary, unit and area boundaries.

VCU leadership presents 2016-17 budget recommendations to BOV

This is a conservative proposal that reflects the need to constrain tuition and fee increases while helping to ensure a high-quality educational experience for VCU students.

Celebrating our alumni

  Since 2011, when we launched the Quest for Distinction strategic plan, Virginia Commonwealth University has been on a journey to become one of the nation’s premier urban, public research universities. Thanks to the talent, vision and investment of so many, we have indeed become a more-relevant research university for the 21st century. It is […]

‘Medicine for the Soul’

It is no exaggeration to say that the first steps of human progress came in a library. Libraries were the center of the city in ancient times, filled with manuscripts and scrolls and big ideas, the meeting place for the educated of the city who would come together to talk about art, culture, engineering, medicine […]

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