President’s Posts

Michael Rao, Ph.D.

In solidarity with our Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander communities

Dear students, faculty, staff and team members, All of us at VCU are outraged by the most recent attacks targeting Asian Americans across our country, the latest in Atlanta, Ga. While investigations into the shootings are still ongoing, we are troubled by the marked increase in vitriol and xenophobia across the country against Asian, Asian […]

An Independent, Comprehensive Review of Greek Life

Last week, VCU’s Board of Visitors’ meeting began with a moment of silence to honor the memory of Adam Oakes. As I shared with our Board, I talked to Adam’s family – the pain his family is suffering is unfathomable. No parent should receive a call from a college president offering sympathy for the loss […]

An Amazing Visit

On Wednesday, a bright national spotlight shined on VCU thanks to First Lady Dr. Jill Biden’s visit to VCU Massey Cancer Center. We were honored by her tour of our facilities and leadership of a discussion about ending cancer disparities. “This has been amazing: what I’ve seen of the research here, what’s going on with […]

Spring Semester Update

Dear students, faculty and staff, Since the pandemic began last year, one question has guided our decisions: what is best for students, faculty and staff? Throughout, our goal has been to prioritize our community’s health and ensure academic, research and health care work is impacted as minimally as possible. With that in mind, after careful […]

The Pursuit of Justice and Equality

As we recognize challenges, triumphs and leaders during Black History Month, we must remember the important role institutions like VCU and VCU Health have in the pursuit of justice and social, economic and health care equality. This pursuit, coupled with our location in the heart of Richmond, demands that we acknowledge the lasting impact of racism […]

Distinguished Faculty Awards – Call for Nominations

Dear Colleagues, Virginia Commonwealth University is Virginia’s premier urban, public research university.  This is due, in no small part, to the talent and dedication of our faculty members who excel as teachers, researchers, creative scholars, and clinicians, and distinguish themselves in scholarship and service every day.  Our faculty serve as models of excellence who embody […]

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