President’s Posts

Michael Rao, Ph.D.

Managing Uncertainty Together

Dear VCU and VCU Health, The trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is with the jury for deliberations, as our country continues to reconcile the realities of systemic racism and the inequities it causes in the meting out of justice. We recognize that the jury’s verdict, when it comes, could evoke strong emotions […]

2021 PACME Celebration

Dear colleagues, Please join Vice President Aashir Nasim, members of our university community and me for the 2021 annual Presidential Awards for Community Multicultural Enrichment (PACME).  We will host this year’s celebration virtually at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 27, 2021, and invite you to view this live event.  The PACME ceremony was created to recognize […]

Provost Announcement

Dear faculty, staff, students and team members, I am pleased that Fotis Sotiropoulos, Ph.D., has accepted the offer to be VCU’s next provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, effective Aug. 1. The Board of Visitors will officially consider his appointment at the May 14 meeting. The provost serves as the No. 2 position […]

Fall 2021: Better Together

Dear VCU faculty and staff, This past year has taught us so much; primarily that as One VCU: Responsible Together, we can persevere through anything, including a global pandemic. Our success has been fueled by your superb efforts to tirelessly serve our students and mission. On behalf of all of VCU — thank you! The experiences […]

BOV Update: Financial Year 2022 Budget Recommendations

Dear students, faculty and staff, Today VCU senior leadership presented its budget recommendations for fiscal year 2021-2022 to the VCU Board of Visitors. This has been a year unlike any other with numerous financial challenges directly related to the pandemic. Even so, the university remains financially stable and able to carry out its educational and […]

A message from Dr. Art Kellermann: Introducing the History and Health Program

Team VCU,  Together, as a team that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion, we are working to define the future of health and health care for the Commonwealth and our nation. We are creating a community that recognizes and embraces diverse backgrounds, identities and lived experiences. We recognize that longstanding inequalities in treatment – deeply and […]

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