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journal article titled Merging cultures and disciplines to create a drug discovery ecosystem at Virginia commonwealth university: Medicinal chemistry, structural biology, molecular and behavioral pharmacology and computational chemistry

The VCU Department of Medicinal Chemistry in the School of Pharmacy has a long history of groundbreaking research that has been led by a series of distinguished scientists and department chairs, including Richard Glennon, Lemont Kier, Donald Abraham and Umesh Desai. Together, they and many other talented faculty members created a drug discovery ecosystem that incorporates the many tools for creative and innovative discovery of new chemical and biological agents for treatment of a wide range of diseases and disorders.

The new article “Merging cultures and disciplines to create a drug discovery ecosystem at Virginia commonwealth university: Medicinal chemistry, structural biology, molecular and behavioral pharmacology and computational chemistry” recounts how medicinal chemistry, structural biology, molecular and behavioral pharmacology and computational chemistry were brought together in the department over the past five decades to create the VCU drug discovery ecosystem.

Categories Faculty news, Research