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The Virginia Pharmacists Association hosted its 134th Annual Convention in July.

Several School of Pharmacy alumni, faculty and/or preceptors were honored by the Virginia Pharmacists Association during its 134th Annual Convention in Williamsburg. Congratulations to:

John Beckner (B.S. ’78 and preceptor, Ukrop’s/Martin’s) of Richmond, who received the Bowl of Hygeia Award sponsored by the American Pharmacists Association Foundation, the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations and the American Pharmacists Association with support from Boehringer Ingelheim.

Leonard Edloe (preceptor, Edloe’s Professional Pharmacy) of Mechanicsville, recipient of the 2015 Outstanding Pharmacist Award.

Teresa Graham (preceptor, Central Virginia Training Center) of Forest, who received the Ed D. Spearbeck Virginia Pharmacists Service Award.

Mary Ann Kirkpatrick (SOP faculty 1981-2001) of Winchester, who received the Cardinal Health Generation Rx Champions Award sponsored by Cardinal Health and administered by the Alliance for Patient Medication Safety.

James Lamar (B.S. ’54) of Madison, who received the Addington Medal for Excellence in Independent Community Pharmacy presented by the VPhA Foundation Addington Vision Fund.

Kerri Musselman (Pharm.D. ’08 and preceptor, Bon Secours Medical Group) of Midlothian, recipient of the VPhA Ilene B. Stiff Local Association President’s Award.

Kelly Oliver (preceptor and residency site coordinator, Jefferson Pharmacy) of Palmyra, recipient of the Pharmacists Mutual Distinguished Young Pharmacist Award.

VPhA’s 2015-16 officer roster includes SOP alumni Jennifer Morris (Pharm.D. ’99) of Midlothian, secretary/treasurer; and immediate past president Jay Zeigler (B.S. ’78) of St. Paul. SOP alumni regional directors are Sam Silek (B.S. ’83) of Salem, Region B; Lee Allison Boris (B.S. ’83) of Leesburg, Region D; Tana Kaefer (Pharm.D. ’04) of Montpelier, Region F; and Sam Clay (B.S. ’77) of Stony Creek, Region H.


Categories Alumni news, Events, Faculty news, Preceptors