Buck named president-elect of ACCP

Marcia L. Buck, an affiliate clinical professor with VCU School of Pharmacy, has been named president-elect of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. She will assume the office of president-elect during the 2015 ACCP Global Conference on Clinical Pharmacy in October in San Francisco.
At the University of Virginia, Buck serves as clinical coordinator for the Pediatric Pharmacy Service; program director for the PGY2 Pediatric Pharmacy Residency Program; clinical associate professor for the School of Nursing and associate professor in the School of Medicine’s Department of Pediatrics. Her research interests range from medication use during neonatal and pediatric extracorporeal life support to treatment of children with acquired brain injury.
Buck is a fellow of ACCP as well as the Pediatric Pharmacy Advisory Group. In addition to those organizations, she is active in the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists and serves on the editorial boards of Pharmacotherapy; the Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics; and the Annals of Pharmacotherapy.
Honors and recognition have included Preceptor of the Year (twice), U.Va. Pharmacy Residency Program; Outstanding Preceptor Award, VCU School of Pharmacy; McLemore Birdsong Award for Excellence in Teaching, U.Va. School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics; and Caregiver of the Year, U.Va. Children’s Hospital.
Buck earned her bachelor’s and Pharm.D. degrees at Purdue University, followed by a pediatric pharmacy residency and a fellowship in pediatric pharmacotherapy at Medical University of South Carolina.
The American College of Clinical Pharmacy’s purpose is to advance human health and quality of life by extending the frontiers of clinical pharmacy practice and research. Previous ACCP presidents with past or present VCU School of Pharmacy affiliations include Gary Matzke (2007-08), then VCU School of Pharmacy associate dean for clinical research and public policy; current VCU School of Pharmacy Dean Joseph T. DiPiro (2005-06), who at the time served as executive dean for the South Carolina College of Pharmacy at the University of South Carolina and the Medical University of South Carolina; and VCU School of Pharmacy 1980 Pharm.D. alumnus Barry Carter (2000-01), professor of pharmacy, University of Iowa College of Pharmacy; and professor and associate head of research, Carver College of Medicine Department of Family Medicine.
Categories Alumni news, Faculty news, Preceptors, U.Va. Division