Partnership for People with Disabilities

Linking People. Changing Lives.

Our Executive Director, Parthy Dinora, had the honor of representing the voice of people with disabilities and families at a White House event on June 1st, alongside colleagues Teri Morgan from the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities and Tonya Milling from The Arc of Virginia. Together, they attended the “Communities in Action: Building a Better Virginia” event along with 40 other Virginia representatives hosted by the Biden-Harris Administration.

It was an exciting experience to witness firsthand the dedication and commitment of the Biden-Harris Administration towards building a better Virginia. The event shed light on the many programs that have made a positive impact on our communities, fostering growth, inclusivity, and equal opportunities for all.

By participating in this event, we had the opportunity to share our own work and initiatives that address the unique needs of people with disabilities and their families. We were able to exchange ideas, collaborate with like-minded individuals, and gain insights from leaders and policymakers.

Furthermore, we learned strategies for further collaboration with the Biden-Harris Administration, solidifying our commitment to serving our communities better. We aim to bring back the knowledge and partnerships forged at the White House to continue the momentum of progress and inclusion in Virginia.

We would like to extend gratitude to the Biden-Harris Administration for hosting such a wonderful event and for recognizing the importance of engaging with communities and organizations working towards positive change. Together, we can build a better future for all Virginians.

Pictured are Parthenia Dinora (center) and Tonya Milling (left) of The Partnership for People with Disabilities.

#CommunitiesInAction #BidenHarrisAdministration #BuildingABetterVirginia #InclusionMatters #Empowerment #Collaboration #Progress

Categories Disabilities

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