Transition Planning and Individualized Education Programs

by Jarrod D. Hobson, Virginia Commonwealth University and Michael E. Salomon, Prince William County Schools.
For students transitioning from high school to college, understanding their Individualized Education Program (IEP) plays a crucial role. Collaborating with educators, community members, and their family to develop a comprehensive transition plan can help support a smooth journey into college. Taking part in the development of their IEP and advocating for support while in high school can prepare them for taking the lead when advocating for their needs in college. Students may take part in the development of their plan and talks of post-secondary transition before their teenage years. This opportunity gives students time to learn about disability related policies and develop advocacy skills necessary for the future.
- IRIS Module: Student Involvement in the IEP:
- I’m Determined; Student Involvement in the IEP:
- Engaging Students and Parents in Transition-Focused Individualized Education Programs:
- Including Student Voice in IEP Meetings Through Use of Assistive Technology: