Partnership for People with Disabilities

Linking People. Changing Lives.

From our phones and tablets to computers, there are countless opportunities for us to use assistive technology (AT) without even realizing it! Everything from voice recognition software on your phone that can help with communication challenges all the way up to built-in accessibility options in computer settings or specialized video players. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of 15 incredible AT tools found right within everyday devices that you may not have known about before – making life easier than ever for those with disabilities! So let’s take advantage of these amazing advances in today’s tech world by discovering how each device fits into an individualized plan specifically designed according to one’s needs.


  1. Voice Control
  2. Using Voice Control for dictation and text editing
  3. Spoken Content
  4. Live Captions (Beta) in Facetime
  5. AssistiveTouch
  6. Magnifier
  7. Head Tracking on iOS
  8. Head Tracking macOS


  1. Navigating by Keyboard
  2. Mobility-Assistive Features and Functions
  3. ChromeVox Next Screen Reader
  4. Select-to-Speak


  1. Accessibility for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Windows 11
  2. Accessibility features for Windows 10
  3. Accessibility features in Microsoft 365
Categories Disabilities, Technology

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