A former nursing faculty member recently sent this article from the New York Times about the high cost of some college textbooks. There is a movement afoot about the high cost of higher education and what can be done about it. This movement has given rise to some quality free materials that are publicly available.

The article cites the following resources:

  • MIT Open Courseware: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/online-textbooks/ MIT Open Courseware has materials from 2400 courses with 500 million visitors.
  • OpenStax: https://openstax.org/ This is an initiative through Rice University. According to their About Us page, they “publish high-quality, peer-reviewed, openly licensed college textbooks that are absolutely free online and low cost in print.”
  • A compilation of resources from Fredonia State University.

Do you want to learn more about OER? VCU’s Open Educational Resources Librarian is Jessica Kirschner. She maintains an OER webpage at VCU that details resources, how to find resources, and possible funding for creating OER. If you have additional questions about OER, contact Jessica. She is a fantastic resource at VCU.

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