
The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) is extending the abstract deadline for the VCU Poster Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creativity until March 21st, 2014.

Organized by UROP and part of VCU Student Research Week, the annual Undergraduate Poster Symposium is a wonderful opportunity for students to present their research endeavors to their academic peers, members of the VCU faculty, community members, and friends and family.  All undergraduates from every discipline are encouraged to present and attend.  Presentations may be for completed research projects, completed papers, or research in progress.

Projects involving creative work such as prose or poetry, performances, and artwork will be considered for acceptance if they are part of a scholarly project undertaken by the student.  UROP is currently accepting poster abstracts up until the deadline of March 21st, 2014.  All abstracts should be submitted to http://go.vcu.edu/uroppostersubmit and should include: Name/Major of student, Name/Dept. of Faculty Mentor, Title of research Project, Brief description of research project.  All inquiries should be made to hhill@vcu.edu

After students are notified of their acceptance, the Symposium will accept early electronic file submission of posters for any student who wishes to have their poster printed free of charge. Note: UROP holds poster workshops Jan. – Mar.; upcoming dates can be found here: http://wp.vcu.edu/vcuurop/2014/02/24/postersession2014/

The symposium will take place on April 23rd, 2014 (part of VCU Student Research Week).


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