Learning Systems Announcements

Put Some Tech in Your T&L

VCU Online, the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence, and Learning Systems are joining forces this semester to provide faculty and staff with in-depth Canvas workshops to help enhance your courses.

To register, go to the VCU Training Website (Keyword: Canvas or Workshop Series) or click the registration link beside the desired topic below. Note: There are no registration or cancelation fees associated with any of these trainings.

  • GroupsRegister
    (Feb. 16, 2022 @ 10am-11am)
    In the “Groups” workshop, you will learn how to set up groups in your Canvas course, their various functionalities, and best practices for teaching with groups online. We will also look at some situations in which using groups can best benefit your students.
  • Discussion Boards & Feedback Register
    (Feb. 16, 2022 @ 3pm-4pm)
    Representatives of VCU Online, Learning Systems, and the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will join forces to share how to set expectations for discussions, create engaging topics, and use feedback effectively. Even better, the workshop will include all the technical guidance you’ll need to pull it off.
  • Advanced Gradebook (Vendor Led)AgendaRegister
    (March 15, 2022 @ 9am-10am)
    Participants will explore approaches and use cases for the Canvas Gradebook and SpeedGrader.
  • Best Practices for Managing Make-Up AssignmentsRegister
    (March 15, 2022 @ 10am-10:30am)
    In this session faculty will explore best practices in handling make-up work and late assignments from students utilizing VCU tools and the Canvas LMS.
  • Peer ReviewRegister
    (March 15, 2022 @ 10:30am-11:30am)
    This workshop will cover both the pedagogical and technical considerations when designing a productive peer review assignment for your face-to-face, online, or hybrid course. Strategies and opportunities for peer review assignments will be explained, as well as, how to use Canvas tools to manage and assess peer review assignments.
  • Rubrics & FeedbackRegister
    (March 15, 2022 @ 11:30am-12:30pm)
    If you curious about course rubrics you should attend this workshop. You will have the opportunity to explore best practices associated with rubrics in F2F, Mixed and Online learning environments. We will look at how clear and precise rubrics can reinforce course learning objectives and provide transparency in assessment. The workshop will utilize the tools provided by Canvas to illustrate effective and quick ways to create rubrics, which impact both graded and ungraded assignments.
  • How to Create Outcomes (Vendor Led)AgendaRegister
    (April 4, 2022 @ 10am-11am)
    Participants will learn about the benefits of using Outcomes at the account level and course level, as well as, how to align outcomes to rubrics/assignments.
  • Outcomes Pedagogically SpeakingRegister
    (April 4, 2022 @ 11am-12pm)
    In the Outcomes workshop, you will explore ways to use the Outcomes feature of Canvas to help students progress monitor and promote mastery based learning experiences.
  • How to Use MasteryPaths (Vendor Led)AgendaRegister
    (April 4, 2022 @ 1pm-2pm)
    Participants will discover how to create and leverage MasteryPaths, in order to differentiate assignments for required learning, optional learning, or choice assignments.
  • Pedagogy of MasteryPathsRegister
    (April 4, 2022 @ 2pm-3pm)
    In the MasteryPaths workshop you will explore ways to use MasteryPaths in the Canvas Learning Management System to create personalized learning experiences for your students.

Categories Canvas, Faculty, Private, Staff, Uncategorized, Workshops and Training

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