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As you plan to move-out of your residence hall by 10 a.m. on July 15, please remember that you must remove ALL items from your space. You will be charged for any items not removed that are reasonably determined to belong to you. Make sure you coordinate with roommates on the removal of any shared items or common area items. 

Residents may be charged the following rates for the removal, transport, and storage of any lost or abandoned items reasonably determined to belong to them:

  • $50 Charge per box under 25 lb.
  • $75 Charge per box over 25 lb.
  • $100 Charge per refrigerator, microwave, or TV

If you have questions regarding move-out or abandoned property, please contact Residential Life and Housing at [email protected], or call (804) 828-7666.

Categories Spring 2022


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