Office of Alumni Relations

The latest news from Virginia Commonwealth University

VCU Alumni is highlighting Ram entrepreneurs listed in our alumni-owned business directory. Learn some business tips from Kaylah DeGree, co-founder of Perfect Choice Study Buddy.

What tools helped you the most when you started out?

Connections from Virginia Commonwealth University were invaluable. My network provided mentor partnerships and crucial opportunities. Alongside that YouTube offered practical tutorials and AI tools helped refine ideas and streamline processes. These resources combined were essential in getting my business off the ground.

What was the biggest challenge to maintaining your business?

The biggest challenge has been finding the right talented educators with a true passion for working with children. Managing expectations is another hurdle especially when things don’t go perfectly on the first try. Learning to adapt and improve continuously has been key.

What advice do you have for people considering starting a business?

Leveraging your network and connections are vital. And before you dive in, take one more vacation. Once your business is up and running and is always on your mind even when you’re trying to relax. It’s a demanding but incredibly rewarding journey. Enjoy the ride!

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