Office of Alumni Relations

The latest news from Virginia Commonwealth University

VCU has contracted the Southeastern Institute of Research to administer the first rigorous all-alumni survey since 2009. The research project will assess alumni engagement and support for VCU; identify barriers to and opportunities for increasing alumni engagement with VCU; develop a topline alumni engagement strategy; and develop the components of a strategic messaging architecture.

All alumni for whom VCU has a valid email address should receive an email the week of Oct. 23 with a link to access the survey. We want to hear from all alumni — from every major, class, department and experience — even if you haven’t connected with VCU in a while. The survey’s results will be most meaningful with participation by alumni from every generation and each of VCU’s schools.

Your responses to the survey are confidential. SIR will aggregate and analyze survey responses and will provide a summary report of findings. Your name and personally identifying information will not be associated with your responses in any reporting shared with the university.

Please consider contributing to the future of VCU Alumni. Your opinion is important to the development of future alumni programs and communications from both your university and alumni organization. The results will be available on the VCU Alumni website after completion.

Categories Alumni, News


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