The Svirsky family.

As I think back on my 44 years in dental education and get ready to retire from Virginia Commonwealth University, and prepare to write the last chapters of my life, I can only think of how quickly it went by. It has been in the blink of an eye since I arrived at VCU in 1976. During that time, I married, raised a family, experienced the wonder of grandchildren, represented the American Dental Association on national television and on their speaker’s bureau, given over 1,000 continuing education programs throughout the world, and built a thriving practice.

I feel I have been blessed with a dream job, colleagues who enhanced my life and made it exciting to come to work each day, experiences that continue to make me grow, and the realization that the best time of life is always now. I have told students and continue to tell students to love what you do and do what you love, and it will never be work.

Thank you all for helping me live the adventure that has been my 44 years at VCU. 

All the best to each of you. I will still be traveling on the lecture circuit and helping out at the School of Dentistry when they need me. 

Please stay in touch, I love hearing from former students, and follow my example: live life to the fullest.

Categories Endodontics, Oral Diagnostic Sciences
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