Wireless Presentation System Issues
As of 4 pm today, we believe that all wireless presentation systems in Centrally Supported Classrooms have been restored to proper functionality. We are actively going through all of them to verify as the room schedule allows. Feel free to resume the use of the wireless system. While we believe the issue has been resolved, […]
Wireless Presentation System Update
Good afternoon, After another long day of troubleshooting, I believe we have found a stable solution to our issue. We have tested multiple central devices that have remained stable for the better part of the day. Given the nature of the previous issue (not presenting itself immediately all the time), we are monitoring these devices […]
Wireless Presentation Issue continues
Good afternoon, After reviewing the deployment package extracted from one of the failed VIAs yesterday, we had another session with the VIA development team engineer this morning to implement an adjustment that they expected would address the issue. The deployment of updates required communication to be reestablished between any VIAs that are offline with the management server. In […]
Update on Continued Wireless Presentation System Issues
Good afternoon Wireless Presentation Users, We wanted to give you an update on the situation with our wireless presentation systems. This morning we had a lengthy session with the manufacturer’s development engineer. They expect something went wrong with the deployment package and have collected a copy of what the Via gateway received in order to analyze it […]
Wireless Presentation System Issues
We are currently working with the manufacturer of the wireless presentation system to identify and resolve an issue that is affecting several wireless presentation devices across campus. It is known to have affected most of the classroom presentation devices. Until we are able to address the issue, the wireless presentation system may not be available. […]