Week 12-13
K and I did not meet last week, nor today, but I have been working on the outreach surveys in Google Forms.
Edited list of notes sent to our small team appears below.
- I’ve just requested a VCU listserv for the Founders Archive.
- I’ve drafted four “query Google forms” for the various outreaches that are ready for review and edits.
- I plan to link those forms to the last draft of the Archive splash page.
- I’ll need to update the opening Archive splash page blurb to reflect current readership numbers.
- There has been no further communication from Cabell library on the last request regarding forwards from the outside-of-issue pages so we will not count on them as the deus ex machina for anything related to that content, though I remain extremely grateful for the extremely important forwarding filters on v1-21.
- I want to have some sort of “archive appendix” page template to demo or probably use outright by the semester’s end for publishing Founders Archive content.
- Ruffle as our Flash player substitute writeup for birdlab still needed from K.
- I know I have to audit for archive/search links in early issues and to follow up on 404 errors from “open current issue,” etc. This may feel like an endless revelation of problems for a bit, but I’m confident about getting there.
- On the long haul list as well will be any/all changes needed for meta-data as we’ve previously logged and discussed.
- Having just passed the year anniversary of last year’s legacy Blackbird celebratory events sponsored by VCU English and Cabell library, I rather think there is no chance that the new journal intends to publish nor archive the content of either the live or zoom events. This effort is beyond our reach as it will require hours captioning and edits, but if I can locate the files, I can put them in a secure digital location and publish where they are stored in the blogs and archive appendices so that they are not entirely lost to the future. I will do that, that is, if anyone even bothered to save the files. (I’m hoping I did so myself last year anticipating that no one else likely would.)
Auto response draft 1 for instructor feedback.
Thanks for reaching out to the Blackbird Founders Archive. Your use of our no-cost materials, and support of our efforts to protect and preserve the contents of legacy Blackbird (v1-21) are much appreciated.
Reached out to D about availability to advise/participate
Draft of Archive page