Week 7 – Week 11
We fell off of regular reporting with a number of disruptions in the volunteer schedule.
Archive Page & Menu Progress
In short one session was largely devoted to a discussion the presentation and order of information on the Founder’s Archive Page, with the link to all issues in v1-21 begin made larger and floated to the top of the stack, just under the modified legacy logo.
We decided to remove the reference to the founding publishers in the foot of the logo, electing to place that historical information elsewhere on the page or at the footer; this language “VCU Department of English” stacked over “New Virginia Review, Inc.” was replaced by the Founders Archive slogan, “21 Years of 21st Century Literary and Art.”
Draft of new page below.

I need to trim the bottom of the logo and to work with K. on the formatting of the central column on the revised page. Our brief fluster of it not working after visiting it today after having diverted to other efforts resulted wholly from my failure to publish the revised logo to the server.
I am still revising the call to instructors that I’ll send out over the Blackbird listserv and will set up three to four Google forms to query
Flash Solution
K. proposed that we turn to Ruffle as an on-the-fly replacement of Flash for deprecated Flash content.
Two options, line of code referencing Ruffle site, or server installation and local reference; we chose today server installation. The following pages have been mended.
https://blackbird-archive.vcu.edu/v8n1/gallery/helfgott_m/intro.shtml (image glitch in one of two)
Not repaired / broken video previously dependent on a Flash player
Audio through at least first 12 volumes must be audited.
Appendices Page Forms
We discussed the need to have simply designed, ADA compliant content pages for appendices to the archive; this includes possible documents / images contributed by teachers, anecdotes from instructors and other groups, historical process or administrative documents, etc.
Needed follow throughs
I sat down to request a bbarchive listserv only to be met with an institutional obstacle, so I’m putting that off for the moment.
K needs to be added as a contributor/editor the the blogs, but I didn’t seem to be able to do this, even as the admin.
Observed archive/search buttons not updated and/or published in early volumes.
Observed 404 error when clicking on open current issue button.