Blackbird Founders Archive | Progress Log

announcements to start; reports of material changes to follow


K published updates to previous.html

  • v13n2, v13n1, v12n2, v12n1, *11n2, *v11n1, v10n2, v10n2, v9n2, v9n1, v8n2, v8n1 in progress

Glitched updated page turned out to be from using .shtml instead of .html
Question of .htm extensions in older issues came up. Answer: that’s what we did back in the day, so lave that url alone aside from making it relative.

MK published updates to 16n1, 15n2, v15n1 (w/ this issue updated link stack on previous.htm footer–previous practice of listing earlier issues followed by genre/name stacks.

Added links to photos in previous.html in v16n2. This will need to be checked for other issues, but I’m tending to it going forward.

Noticed that there needs to be an index page for the Woods-era author index pages linked to upper left logo button.

Noticed in v15n1 the error that we were founded in 2002–actually were founded in 2001 and published 1st issue in 2002. Walking backward from 15n1 to correct instances of that.


Volunteer can’t make it in; MK working alone.

Published previous for v14n2 after further changing links to relative at foot of page.

Open Graph Meta Data Path to Headshot Fix
Remembered that we have full URL paths by necessity to contributor headshots in open graph meta data. Experimented, in this issue, with changing this with a full-site search an replace. This is my POC for that. In that instance, making relative links wouldn’t work, so swapped out blackbird for blackbird-archive in the path.

Discovered 2008 statement on redesign from Katie Lynch in structure.

v10n1 — as found Tuesday by K, no Romulus Linney index page exists in the Wood index. It was in the old index–no idea why it was overlooked in previous migration. Created the new page and published it.

While in the index, and since the filters from the new journal support team that don’t follow all the way through for index_bb pages want to default to an index page at

I created the page pictured below.

In addition, the top Blackbird logo button on any author index page was forwarding to this same url, so it’s a stop-gap until, at some point, this page and the archives/search page are combined to a single page.

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