Week 4 log
I worked from home Monday evening and Tuesday to look at older issues (with no left include menu) to see how those updates would work. I changed links for in-previous for v9
While K continued to work backward through the structure from v14 or so, I started publishing his changes and auditing the links ending today on v16n1, where I am in process. I’ll try to catch up all K’s changes by next Tuesday so that when we start working again, K will publish his own changes as he goes, and then send me to audit after.
Wrote to library team about the incomplete forwarding for “out-of-issue” “v-folder” such as v-index_bb.
For instance,
forwards to
Instead of doing a clean pass through to
In the meantime, internally, we care changing all links to relative links, a plodding process, but I’d like to see the above request through lest anyone outside the journal has a direct link the author index pages.
Other “v-folder” paths remain untested, though all v1-21 content seems to be forwarding seamlessly!