April 2022 Campus Police Updates
April is sexual assault awareness month and VCU Police is a Start by Believing agency. In other words, officers start by believing all survivors when they come forward to disclose an assault. VCUPD has specially trained, victim-witness officers and offers the You Have Options reporting program, which gives survivors control over how much information they share. More information for survivors is available on the VCUPD website: https://police.vcu.edu/sexual…/victim_witness_program.html .
To contact VCUPD’s victim-witness coordinator, email Ofc. Jasmine Merricks at [email protected].
April is also distracted driver awareness month. Remember: phone down, eyes on the road. It is illegal to use handheld devices while driving in Virginia.
VCU Police has launched a video series, “Plain Talk” to introduce officers to the VCU community. Learn about the officers patrolling both campuses by visiting: https://www.youtube.com/c/vcupolice.
As always, students and families can call VCU Police at (804) 828-1234 or use the LiveSafe app at any time.
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