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The number of warm and sunny days are slowly but surely starting to outnumber the frosty ones, and students are beginning to look towards the end of the semester! Warm weather can bring with it the temptation to head outside and save homework and projects for later, but we want to ensure students don’t fall behind. Here are a few tips to keep your student on track while still soaking up the beginning of Spring:


Nothing is worse than being stressed out on your nice day at the park because you have 20 assignments waiting for you back at home. Students should make a list of upcoming assignments and due dates to make sure they have enough time to finish projects before they go out. If large projects seem too daunting, break each assignment down into several parts and include dates to complete each piece. Breaking down your daily schedule into academic time and fun time can help balance and ensure everything gets done.

Reward Yourself

Use social activities as a reward for completing classes and assignments. Even a walk outside after finishing a long reading assignment can brighten students’ moods.

Study Outside

Looking out a library window and seeing everyone walking around in the sunshine while you’re stuck inside studying can be really hard on students. Students should take advantage of the nice weather by picking a spot outdoors to spread out their books and tackle that upcoming test or project.

Resist the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

One of the great things about university life is the ability to create your own schedule. However, class times students picked may not always line up with the classes their friends chose. Watching friends schedule a trip to the river or to a local festival during the times they have class could encourage students to skip so they don’t miss out on the fun. Encourage your student to speak with their friends about what times would work best for all of them. There will always be another trip or event to do with friends outside of class or study hours. Plus, scheduling lunch or coffee with a friend to hear the story of the trip they missed can be another fun study break!

Categories Advice for Students & Families

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