School of Social Work

No. 28 M.S.W. Program in the U.S.

The Virginia Commonwealth University School of Social Work is pleased to recognize M. Alex Wagaman, Ph.D., assistant professor, and Rebecca Carter, M.S.W. candidate, for receiving a 2016 Council on Social Work Education Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression Scholarship Award honorable mention for their paper, Queering the Social Work Classroom: Strategies for Increasing Inclusion of LGBTQ People.

Inspired by the Feminist Manuscript Award, the CSWE Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression Scholarship Award recognizes scholarship that contributes to knowledge about sexual orientation and gender identity and expression; the individual and systemic issues associated with these topics; the development of social work curriculum materials and faculty growth opportunities relevant to sexual orientation and gender identity and expression; and the experiences of individuals who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and/or two-spirit.

Wagaman and Carter will be recognized during the LGBT Caucus and Council on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression reception at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. The reception begins 7 p.m. Friday, November 4.

Categories Awards and honors, Faculty and staff, Students
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