VCU Procurement Services

Fostering a community of financial advocacy at VCU!

Did you know that vendors can submit invoices directly to RealSource? By initiating a purchase order (PO) first, vendors are provided with clear instructions on how to submit their invoices directly to RealSource for payment. This means your only responsibility is to receive the goods or services. When vendors send their invoices on their own, payment terms and early payment discounts depend on when the invoice is entered into the system for processing. This method not only holds vendors accountable but also removes you from the middle of the process, minimizing the risk of duplicate invoices.
In the uncommon situation where a department must submit an invoice on a vendor’s behalf, simply email it to [email protected]. This ensures that all invoices are handled efficiently and accurately. Before sending it to the digital mailroom, make sure to check Realsource for the existing invoice first!

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