President’s Posts

Michael Rao, Ph.D.


Dear VCU and VCU Health Community,

Today’s events in Washington, D.C., stand in stark contrast to the core values of our democracy and are shocking. Violence is not free speech and is never an acceptable option toward resolving difference, political or otherwise. I ask the VCU community — especially those spending the break in and around the Capitol — to stay safe and vigilant during these times.

Please also be mindful of your emotional wellbeing and of those around you. For students, the university offers many resources at

As President Abraham Lincoln once said, listen to the “better angels of our nature” to light a better, more hopeful future for ourselves and our country. Let’s hold true to our core values and treat each other with kindness, compassion and respect. And let’s use our differences to learn, to grow, and to improve the human experience.


Michael Rao
President, VCU and VCU Health System

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