President’s Posts

Michael Rao, Ph.D.

Colleagues from across the university are hard at work on the VCU Great Place HR Redesign. I am confident that the resulting product will bring forth policies that support all who work to make VCU a great place to work, live, learn, create and heal.

I would like to hear from you. Open comment time has arrived, and your voice matters. I encourage you to go to Great Place HR Redesign and watch the video highlighting proposed changes to HR policies. A downloadable draft of the human resources plan is also available for your review. Once you have had time to review the document, please fill out the form that follows the embedded video. Please note that the open comment phase will end on March 17. In addition, general questions about the redesign can be submitted on the FAQ page.

Again, thank you for making Virginia Commonwealth University the great place that it is today.

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