Ferguson brings focus on health equity to Congressional Healthcare Policy Fellowship
Amanda Ferguson, Pharm.D., has been named the American College of Clinical Pharmacy-American Society of Health-System Pharmacists-Virginia Commonwealth University Congressional Healthcare Policy Fellow for 2022-23. This fellowship offers pharmacists an opportunity to gain insight into health care policy analysis and development through immersion in the congressional environment. Over the course of the year, fellows are mentored in legislative […]
Students triumph at prestigious interprofessional case competition
CLARION Case Competition focused on diversity, equity and inclusion in health care. By James Shea A group of Virginia Commonwealth University undergraduate and graduate students have won the prestigious CLARION Case Competition, designed to improve interdisciplinary communications within health care. Josephine Gresko, a first-year student in the School of Pharmacy; Lance Mendoza, a graduate health administration student […]
From technology to patient care, alums from the Class of 1972 reflect on the last 50 years
Ahead of their 50th SoP reunion, Preston Hale and Empsy Munden share where their careers have taken them and how the profession has changed. By Leah Small A few years after graduating from the VCU School of Pharmacy in 1972 — when it was still common to use a manual type writer to label prescriptions […]
What I like about pharmacy
For American Pharmacists Month, we asked some of our faculty leaders what they value about pharmacy. Their responses are as varied as the career options available to pharmacists.
Five things you might not know about diabetes — but should
By Elizabeth CogarVCU School of Pharmacy For National Diabetes Month, we asked Evan Sisson, Pharm.D., a professor at the School of Pharmacy who is a certified diabetes care and education specialist and 2021 chair of the Virginia Diabetes Council, to share some important information about this widespread yet often overlooked disease. 1. Diabetes is not […]
Dixon named chair of pharmacotherapy department
Dave Dixon, Pharm.D., has been named chair of VCU School of Pharmacy’s Department of Pharmacotherapy and Outcomes Science. Dixon, an associate professor at the school who has led VCU’s Center for Pharmacy Practice Innovation since 2016, was named interim chair following the departure from VCU of longtime chair Donald Brophy earlier this year. Dixon’s role […]
Bujnoch named 2021 Healthcare Policy Fellow
Tatiana Bujnoch has been named the American College of Clinical Pharmacy-American Society of Health-System Pharmacists-Virginia Commonwealth University Congressional Healthcare Policy Fellow for 2020-21. The fellowship offers pharmacists an opportunity to gain insight into health care policy analysis and development through immersion in the congressional environment. Fellows are mentored in legislative evaluation, policy development, research and […]
After year like no other, the Class of 2021 celebrates diplomas with ‘The Pharmacist’
By Greg Weatherford VCU School of Pharmacy The star of the Netflix documentary series “The Pharmacist” has strong advice for the VCU School of Pharmacy Class of ’21: Work with your patients and watch for danger. In his keynote speech to the graduating pharmacy students, Dan Schneider, the Louisiana pharmacist whose quest to solve the […]
Wellness program brings health and social connection to seniors
By Paul BrockwellMCV Foundation Social isolation can be dangerous. In 2020, isolation became the experience of people across the country as states issued stay-at-home orders to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The loss of social activity can be detrimental to health and reduce access to care when people may not have the means to participate […]
At VCU, pharmacy students take lead role in COVID-19 vaccination
By Greg Weatherford VCU School of Pharmacy One by one they filed down a narrow corridor into a small side room in the VCU Health hospital and took a seat beside one of an array of industrial tables. On each table lay a tray lined with pre-loaded syringes. “Can you roll up your sleeve?” asked Meghan […]