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Preceptor Christina Whitehill (center) of Henrico Doctors' Hospital-Forest, and class of 2014 "preceptees" Rozine Mosler (left) and Sarah Pearce. Whitehill, a 2008 SOP alumnus, was one of the school's 2013 preceptors of the year.
Preceptor Christina Whitehill (center) of Henrico Doctors’ Hospital-Forest, and class of 2013 “preceptees” Rozine Mosler (left) and Sarah Pearce. Whitehill, a 2008 SOP alumnus, was one of the school’s 2013 preceptors of the year.

Some of the VCU School of Pharmacy’s greatest unsung heroes can be found in its faculty preceptors, those men and women who have spent much time over the years helping students accrue the experience integral to a successful career.

The school’s Office of Experiential Education — in addition to managing the preceptor programs — has been doing its part to spread the good word since 2005, when the first Preceptor Newsletter was published. The newsletter spotlights news, features, tips and strategies for preceptors across the state and beyond. The preceptor roster, by the way, now numbers about 1,000, hundreds of whom are actively precepting at any given time.

Following form, the Winter/Spring 2014 issue of the School of Pharmacy’s Preceptor Newsletter (Newsletter_Vol_10_Issue_1_Winter_Spr_2014) runs the gamut: from an announcement about the school’s new dean, Joseph T. DiPiro, to a spotlight on the U.Va. Health System (where the School of Pharmacy’s U.Va. Division is housed); and from information about preceptors and students in the news to effective teaching strategies for millennials.

The Office of Experiential Education, located on the second floor of McGuire Hall, is helmed by Phylliss Moret, assistant dean. She is joined by Denise Emminger, APPE director; Wanda Coffey, IPPE director; Betty Dobbie, experiential learning specialist; and Y. Michele Johnson, administrative assistant.


Categories Faculty and staff news, Preceptors, Student news, U.Va. Division