Infant Mental Health

In the United States 1 in 6 children ages 2-8 have a diagnosed mental, behavioral, or developmental concern. In Virginia 1 in 4 school aged children in Virginia has a mental health concern. Infant and Early childhood mental health is defined as the optimal social, emotional, and cognitive well-being of children ages 0-6 and is developed by secure and stable relationships with nurturing caregivers. Children learn how to express and regulate emotions, how to establish close relationships with others, and how to explore their environment in the first three years of their lives. Mental Health concerns appear when children who are not able to self soothe when upset, they may not be able to form close relationships with their caregivers, teachers, or peers, or they may have challenges doing activities that are normal for the child’s age. Are you interested in learning more about infant and early childhood mental health and how you can support it in your setting?
Learn more about the Infant Mental Health and Attachment Course here
Categories Children, Mental Health