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Dr. D. Patricia Gray, chair of the Department of Adult Health and Nursing Systems at the VCU School of Nursing, recently received the 2008 Council Service Award for her contributions to the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science. This organization is an open membership arm of the American Academy of Nursing. The service award was presented during the 2008 National State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research.

Gray’s contributions to the Council are numerous. While serving as president of the Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS), Gray was a member of the Council’s Steering Committee and served as its vice-chair. In addition, Gray served as chair of both the Awards Committee and the Abstract Review Committee.
As part of the Congress on Nursing Research, Gray helped organize a competition that asked nursing students to create a “nurse as scientist” podcast. This contest encouraged a more positive public view of nurse scientists.
Dr. Angela Starkweather, assistant professor in the Department of Adult Health and Nursing Systems, was also recognized at the Congress on Nursing Research. Her abstract, Is Interleukin-6 Trans-Signaling Associated with Neuropathic Pain?, was honored as an Abstract of Distinction.

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I am a 1972 graduate of VCU SON–my name then was Susan Tracy. I received a master’s degree from U.Pittsburgh in Maternity Nursing and taught nursing for 4 years on baccalaureate level. I am interested in promoting a high school course in introduction to nursing. I currently work in a high school as a math teacher(long story). I cannot get approval for my course proposal b/c this is an “academic” high school and it would appear that we were becoming a “vocational” high school if we offered a “nursing” course. This has to do with the public’s view of nursing. Nurses are indeed scientists. Anybody got suggestions for my dilema? I feel that if a high school offers a course in introduction to professional nursing it might help to change public view and also to promote recruitment into the profession.

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