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Cindy Munro, Ph.D, R.N., professor in the Department of Adult Health and Nursing Systems at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Nursing, has received a $1.78 million grant from the National Institutes of Health. The four-year continuation grant was awarded through the National Institute of Nursing Research and with secondary support from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Joining Munro in this project, Oral Care Intervention in Mechanically Ventilated Adults, are Mary Jo Grap, Ph.D., R.N., Curt Sessler, M.D. and R.K. Elswick, Ph.D.

The new grant allows Munro to expand on research started five years ago. Initially, Munro wanted to identify the impact of chlorhexidine (antibacterial mouthwash) on critically ill patients. Specifically, did the application of mouthwash after intubation reduce the incidences of pneumonia? The first study revealed that chlorhexidine did reduce pneumonia in patients without a high pneumonia score.
Now that Munro has received the continuation grant, she can take the research a step farther. In this study, the team will examine the impact of administering chlorhexidine earlier in the process, just before the patient is intubated.
“I’m pleased that we received this continuation grant. Sustained funding allows you to ask a series of questions that really moves the science forward rather than moving on to a completely new area. Working in a targeted area over time greatly benefits nursing science,” Munro said.

Categories Research


Congratulations Dr. Munro. It was a great experience and honor to be apart of the first phase of the SToPP study. Looking forward to the results of the continuation. Best wishes!! Shenise

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