VCU POLITICAL SCIENCE and the College of Humanities and Sciences Presents:

9th Annual Student Research Conference
“Politics, Society, and Foreign Affairs”

Friday, April 10, 2015
VCU Student Commons

Undergraduate and junior graduate students are invited to submit proposals to present completed research papers/projects, research-in-progress, or roundtable discussions on any topic related to the general fields of government, international, and public affairs. Students from colleges and universities in and around Virginia as well as overseas colleagues are invited to submit proposals as well. We invite faculty and experts from VCU and other institutions to chair and serve as discussants; each presenter will have 10-15 minutes to speak. The VCU Political Science program offers concentrated study in American Government, Public Policy, International Relations, Comparative Government and Politics, Political Theory and Research Methods, with strong connections to Sociology, Economics, and History, allowing for a wide array of possible paper proposals.

This is your chance to share your interests with faculty and other students, to gain experience presenting your work in a professional conference environment, and to receive useful and constructive feedback on your research.

Proposals should contain your name and e-mail address, your school and your major, the title of your proposed presentation, and a single paragraph describing your work.

The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 20, 2014. Please e-mail your submissions to . Those selected to participate will be notified on a rolling basis by e-mail and all replies by no later than Friday, March 27, 2014.

The one-day conference will also include additional panels on internships and careers in government and foreign affairs, a panel with information on graduate schools, and a buffet lunch served for all presenters and panelists in the afternoon.

There is no fee for participation in the conference. If you have questions, please contact conference director, Chris Saladino at

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