Learning Systems Announcements

Put Some Tech in Your T&L

It was recently brought to our attention that the link color within Canvas should be changed to better comply with accessibility needs. In consultation with Technology Services’ Web Services team, we have identified a suitable alternative.

On March 8, 2023, a link color change will be implemented to better serve those with any form of visual impairment. The impact of this change will be minimal, but it will have an impact on the look and feel of Canvas.

Note: This will also change the color of pre-existing links in pages, assignments, and any other area that utilizes the Rich Content Editor.

The image below is a comparison of the change, with the updated link color on the bottom. This will also affect any embedded links inserted via the Rich Content Editor.As usual, please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns.



Categories Accessibility, Canvas, Faculty, Online Teaching and Development, Staff, Students, Teaching with Technology

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