Learning Systems Announcements

Put Some Tech in Your T&L

Oct 16, 12pm-1pm: Canvas Enrollments, Sections, and Cross-listing

Hosted by Learning Systems in Academic Technologies, this 1-hour training for VCU instructors will provide an overview of how students are enrolled in Canvas courses and how course sections can be merged into one Canvas course. Bring your questions! Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions and discuss the transition to Canvas. Register for the training with your VCU eID. You will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom training URL and password.

Oct 21, 12pm-1pm: Installing and Using Third-party Tool Integrations in Canvas

Hosted by Learning Systems in Academic Technologies, this 1-hour training for VCU instructors will demonstrate how you can grow your course content in Canvas.  Learn how to install and use third-party tool integrations such as content from publishers, curricula-specific materials, interactive content, quiz builders and more. Register for the training with your VCU eID, at the Zoom link provided. You will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom training URL and password.

Categories Canvas, Private

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