VCU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Blog

The VCU HRPP is dedicated to facilitating ethically and scientifically sound research through robust review of research projects and through effective education and outreach to the VCU research community.

The VCU Human Research Protection Program is pleased to continue offering open IRB consulting hours. The next of these open consulting hours will be hosted VIRTUALLY using Zoom, and is sponsored by our colleagues in the Psychology Department.

IRB staff will be available for drop-in VIRTUAL consultations with faculty, students, and staff from any school or department at VCU. Come see us by joining a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, June 3rd, any time between 1:00pm to 4:00pm. To join the Zoom meeting, please follow the instructions at the end of this blog post.

To enable privacy during consultations, this Zoom meeting will utilize a virtual waiting room. When you first enter the meeting, you will be placed in this waiting room. The IRB staff member running the virtual consulting hours will admit you to the Zoom meeting as soon as the consultation ahead of you is completed. 

Faculty, staff, and students from all VCU schools and departments are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to answer questions and receive guidance on both new research studies and existing research studies.

The VCU HRPP will be offering these open consulting hours at various times with various host locations/sponsors on the Monroe Park Campus, over the coming months. As more times and locations become available, the VCU HRPP will continue to post information on this blog about the availability of IRB open consulting hours. For questions about IRB open consulting hours, please contact Nyssa Towsley, Human Subjects Protection Education & Outreach Manager, at [email protected]

Zoom Access Instructions:

Nyssa Towsley is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: IRB Open Consulting Hours – Psychology

Time: Jun 3, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 911 7874 7668

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Meeting ID: 911 7874 7668

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Categories Announcements and Updates, Education and Training

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