VCU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Blog

The VCU HRPP is dedicated to facilitating ethically and scientifically sound research through robust review of research projects and through effective education and outreach to the VCU research community.

VCUHS Guidance Available for Return to Research

The VCU HRPP would like to inform the VCU research community about guidance from VCUHS regarding infection prevention, PPE and cleaning/disinfecting protocols for VCUHS return to research. The guidance can be accessed on the One VCU Clinical Research Blog. Investigators are reminded that they are not required to submit amendments to their IRB submissions in […]

Reminder for Researchers Separating from VCU

This is the time of year when we frequently see new faculty, staff, and students arriving at VCU, as well as when others may be retiring or leaving the institution.  With this, we would like to take a moment to remind all researchers of actions that are required when key personnel engaged in IRB-approved protocols separate […]

Update: Revised R2R Guidance Available

The VCU Human Research Protection Program would like to inform the VCU research community of an update to the HRPP’s Phased Return to Research (R2R) guidance. Minor clarifications were made to both the “Investigator Responsibilities to the IRB During the R2R” document and the “Supplemental Flowchart for Investigator Responsibilities During the R2R” document, to clarify […]

Free PRIM&R Webinars on Racial Issues in Research

The VCU Human Research Protection Program would like to inform the VCU research community about the availability of free educational resources addressing issues of race and racism in research. From PRIM&R’s antiracism statement: The research enterprise has a distinct obligation to grapple with systemic racism, given its historical abuse of Black communities. … Despite efforts […]

IRB Consulting Hours — VIRTUAL

The VCU Human Research Protection Program is pleased to continue offering open IRB consulting hours. The next of these open consulting hours will be hosted VIRTUALLY using Zoom, and is sponsored by our colleagues in the Wilder School IRB staff will be available for drop-in consultations with faculty, students, and staff from any school or […]

The VCU Institutional Review Board (IRB) is Seeking New Members!

The VCU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)  is accepting applications from individuals interested in serving as members on the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Read through the FAQs below to learn more about what an IRB is, and how you might fit into it. If you’re ready to apply, follow our application process.  VCU Faculty, VCU/VCUHS […]

Wright Center Consulting Hours — VIRTUAL

The Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research, in collaboration with the VCU Human Research Protection Program, are pleased to offer virtual open consulting hours. These open consulting hours will be hosted VIRTUALLY using Zoom. The consulting hours will include consultants from IRB, Research Navigation, Getting Started with Research, and Biostatistics. Other research services (such […]

IRB Consulting Hours — VIRTUAL

The VCU Human Research Protection Program is pleased to continue offering open IRB consulting hours. The next of these open consulting hours will be hosted VIRTUALLY using Zoom, and is sponsored by our colleagues in the Psychology Department. IRB staff will be available for drop-in VIRTUAL consultations with faculty, students, and staff from any school […]

ACTION REQUIRED: Human Research Tiering Documentation

EDIT 4/28/2021: As of April 27, 2021, the Tiering system referenced in this post has been discontinued. Investigators are no longer required to make a Tiering determination for their studies. In order to mitigate the risks of COVID-19 in human research, VCU OVPRI has implemented a Tiering system to stratify research projects based on the […]

Job Posting: IRB Analyst

The Human Research Protections Program is actively recruiting for an open IRB Analyst position. Key responsibilities include: Conducting independent IRB review of exempt/expedited research and, as necessary, full board research, upon receipt of adequate training and experience; Serve as an educational resource for IRB members, investigators, research personnel, and students; Maintain and apply current knowledge of federal […]

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