VCU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Blog

The VCU HRPP is dedicated to facilitating ethically and scientifically sound research through robust review of research projects and through effective education and outreach to the VCU research community.

RAMS-IRB Video: Managing Documents

This video demonstrates for researchers and study staff how to upload, update, and delete documents in RAMS-IRB. You can see this same topic covered in the Navigating RAMS-IRB to Add, Remove, and Update Documents You can see more videos intended for researchers about RAMS-IRB functions by browsing the RAMS researcher videos tag. You can see […]

RAMS-IRB Video: Opening and Navigating a New Study

This video demonstrates for researchers and study staff how to open and navigate a new study in RAMS-IRB. You can see this same topic covered in the Navigating RAMS-IRB to Create and Navigate Through New Studies Gif Guide. You can see more videos intended for researchers about RAMS-IRB functions by browsing the RAMS researcher videos […]

Research Recruitment Advertising and VCU Policy

The VCU HRPP would like to share the message below from Tom Klug with a reminder for investigators about one of VCU’s policies related to research recruitment advertising. Please direct any questions to the Division of University Relations: VCU Brand Identity Office at [email protected] University Relations and the Integrity and Compliance Office have recently updated the […]

IMPORTANT NOTICE: RAMS-IRB Will be Down Wed, Sep 15, 6am-3pm

The VCU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) is notifying the VCU research community that RAMS-IRB will be undergoing updates and will be inaccessible on Wednesday, September 15th from 6am until 3pm. RAMS-IRB may come back online prior to 3pm if the update finishes earlier. The HRPP will notify the research community should RAMS-IRB come back […]

Reminder: Researchers Separating From VCU Must Close or Amend Studies Prior to Separation

IRB Requirements for Separating PIs A Principal Investigator (PI) who is leaving the institution and who no longer meets the PI eligibility requirements may not continue to serve as Principal Investigator on research conducted under the VCU IRB approval. When a PI is planning to separate from VCU, they must address any studies they have […]

Reminder about Masking Requirements for Research Participants

The HRPP reminds all investigators and study teams that masking indoors has been reinstated throughout the University and remains in effect for health system facilities.  Study teams remain responsible for following all applicable federal, state, local, and institutional public health requirements, regardless of the vaccination status of the participants or study team members.  Here are a few examples of times […]

Navigating RAMS-IRB to Create and Submit Closure Requests

This RAMS Gif Guide is intended for researchers and research teams using the RAMS-IRB system to manage IRB submissions. This guide will walk users through the process of creating a closure request in order to close a study with the IRB. You can access more RAMS Gif Guides made for researchers by using the researcher […]

Navigating RAMS-IRB to Create an Amendment to a Study

This RAMS Gif Guide is intended for researchers and research teams using the RAMS-IRB system to manage IRB submissions. This guide will walk users through the process of creating an amendment to a currently-approved study. You can access more RAMS Gif Guides made for researchers by using the researcher gif guide tag on our blog. […]

Clarification Regarding Process to Obtain VCUHS EMR Data

The VCU HRPP would like to share this message from Mary Harmon, regarding clarifications surrounding the process to obtain data from VCUHS EMRs.  Please direct questions regarding this process to Mary Harmon. — VCUHS and VCU would like to take this opportunity to provide clarity to recent changes and communication regarding the approved pathways to […]

Wright Center Consulting Hours – VIRTUAL (8/5/2021)

The Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research and the VCU Human Research Protection Program are pleased to offer open consulting hours. These open consulting hours will be hosted VIRTUALLY using Zoom. Consultants will be available to answer questions about: Biostatistics Funding, grant writing IND/IDE/FDA regulations Informatics IRB (Human Subjects Protection) Library research services OnCore […]

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