Present:Steve Barkley, Emily Hurst, Teresa Knott, Reyna Fuentes, Robin Kelsey, Nisha Parekh, Benjamin Mavelil, Hala Hasan, Kayla Stepanova, Jennifer Hodge, Zara Zahid, Danielle Recupero, Kaelah Pou, Sharon Lack

Start time: 12:03 p.m.

Steve Barkley provided a presentation on the role of the Student Advisory Committee and the Tompkins-McCaw Library. Slides from the presentation will be shared with the committee.

Teresa Knott then provided an update on the library and its relocation plans.

  • The current library building will be replaced by two buildings/towers for VCU Health
  • Overview of what we are hoping to have in the TML space
  • Will add new spaces while also repurposing current furniture
  • Discussion about some of the features that new building will feature
  • Would like the building to be open 24/7
  • Some discussion about space including:
    • The desire for an outdoor location
    • Ability to access items in storage
    • Natural light is needed
    • Will the study rooms be soundproofed?
      • There is hope this will be the case
  • University Librarian and Teresa attended a meeting about the VCU Master Site plan
    • In the future, Woods and Lyons will come down and a new library building will be included in this location


  • Space: Will it be more? No, the library will lose about 6,000 sq of user space in the temporary facility
  • Are all special collections digitized? No, some too fragile and there are too many for them to do this.
  • This move is a temporary move? Yes, this is part of a move before the next library building

The session concluded with Steve and Emily providing an overview of other aspects and services of VCU Libraries and Tompkins-McCaw Library.

Categories Meeting Minutes