1. MCV Student Government Association Survey:
    Review of TML’s results
  2. Questions from TML’s Research and Education Department
    –  Do you think there’s student interest in a basic, 1-hour literature review workshop?  Yes, especially if it’s available online for asynchronous viewing.  Online tutorials for different levels (basic vs. advanced) would be useful.
    –  Are you aware that librarians can help you develop search strategies for a literature review or grant proposal?  Based on the feedback received, the department needs to improve marketing this service.  Suggestion: Portable posters advertising these services in TML.  Posters can compare user vs. librarian searches, or they can feature liaisons.  Additional suggestion was made that being on the 2nd floor of the Hunton Student Center from 1-3pm instead of 11-1pm might help librarians reach their intended audience.
  3. Next meeting: Thursday, April 24, 2014

Note: The meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 27 was canceled due to numerous scheduling conflicts.

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