Alumni spotlight: Jasmine Luckey
Jasmine Luckey (B.S.W.’16/SW) graduated from VCU in 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in social work and moved to Hampton, Virginia, because “I saw there was a need for social workers in the area.”
She eventually took a job as a case manager working with the homeless population. After working in Hampton Roads for several years, she recently started a new position with the Virginia adult and child protective services agencies in nearby Williamsburg.
When not busy with work, Luckey blogs about travel, sharing her passion for traveling on a budget. Over the past year, she has traveled to Italy, Croatia, Bosnia and the Bahamas. “I love experiencing different perspectives and learning about populations that aren’t like me,” Luckey says.
That interest in diverse perspectives motivated Luckey to join the VCU Alumni Hampton Roads Chapter and eventually become a chapter co-leader.
How did you get involved with the Hampton Roads Chapter?
I saw a Facebook post about an event where the chapter sends off new VCU students from the area. It brought me back to when I was new to VCU and didn’t know anyone, so I decided to go. While there, I asked how I could be more involved and eventually became a co-leader with Valerie Williamston (B.S.’88/B). In my role, I post on social media, respond to emails and plan events.
Why did you get involved?
VCU has had such a big impact on my life because I’ve met so many different people with different perspectives on life. One of VCU’s tenets is diversity. Why not continue with that momentum and keep making connections?
What is your goal as a co-leader?
I think I’m the youngest active member right now, so I want to engage more younger members, including those in my own cohort and those who graduated after us.
What is your favorite chapter event?
The Spirit of Norfolk dinner cruise was my favorite event. Everybody got all dressed up, and it was nice to bond with everyone like we already knew each other.
What do you tell newcomers or visitors to Hampton Roads?
This is the hardest question! First, I’ll say that not everything good is in Virginia Beach. So many people travel straight through Hampton and Norfolk to Virginia Beach, but there are hidden gems here. Check out social media, especially TikTok, to find out about the new spots that are popping up quickly. And don’t just come for a day; stay a while and enjoy what this area has to offer.
Categories Alumni