Dean's blog

Lyndon F. Cooper | School of Dentistry

There’s a lot of learning going on!

I’ve spent time visiting our clinics and classrooms and have been impressed with the level of engagement I’ve seen everywhere I go. The week has been filled with examples: standing outside a classroom with students attentively listening to the mechanism of anticoagulation; being at a doorway when a resident’s patient was learning about their complex treatment plan; leaning into an operatory and watching a faculty demonstrating the best way to achieve ideal isolation; watching a conversation over a computer screen filled with 3D images defining dental implant placement; seeing the “ah ha” moment when a staff member found a better way to get “it” done; and even my own learning as I completed my final assignment for VCU’s Diversity and Inclusivity in Healthcare Leadership certificate course.

The generous and respectful sharing of information and knowledge that is occurring at all levels and in all corners of our building is a sign that we have an intangible power driving us to learn more than what’s in our syllabi or what’s required in an examination.

I’m inspired by this spirit of learning and what it means to dentistry at VCU.

Lyndon F. Cooper, D.D.S., Ph.D., F.A.C.P.

Dean and Professor of Prosthodontics

Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry

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