Canvas Tip: Uploading Videos and Large Files
The following post comes to you from the Learning Systems blog. If you haven’t already, check out their blog for more information about Canvas, Kaltura, and much more!
It has always been highly encouraged that users not upload videos directly into Bb but instead upload your videos to Kaltura and then embed or link them into your Course. This can cause issues such as video distortion and, in many cases, students having trouble watching them.
This is still the case, and even more so, with Canvas because all courses have a maximum limit of 2GB. Canvas is an LMS, not a video hosting platform. Videos, Zoom or otherwise, should be uploaded into Kaltura and then embedded into your Canvas course.
Additionally, if a Zoom user is on the “main” account (login to, all of your Cloud recordings are automatically uploaded to your Kaltura Media Gallery. This makes it easier to embed these files to your Canvas course. If you’re on “HIPAA,” use these instructions to Manually Upload Zoom Videos to Kaltura.
Likewise, large documents, images, powerpoints with images and videos, etc. should be stored in your Google Drive where you can enjoy unlimited storage with your VCU apps account.
To add these files to your course use the Google Drive icon that now appears in the Rich Content Editor. The icon displays everything in a user’s Google Drive account and allows users to display documents as in-line links or embed them directly. Students and teachers can view the icon anywhere they can access the Rich Content Editor, such as assignments, tests, discussions and pages. (If the icon is not displayed, click the ? icon for the More External Tools drop-down menu to see it.)