"A B C" written on red paper


multicolored yarn on plastic bowls piles of red, blue, yellow yarn on table

My oh my are my fabulous first graders talented or what?! With the start of every new school year, it’s always a little nerve-wracking meeting new faces and friends… SO I thought what better way to introduce my students to the classroom than meeting my fantastic friend, ROY G BIV! We began this process by playing with a squishy colored game cube that let us practice matching and saying our colors in English and Spanish. My students loved meeting them so much that we started making rainbow ABC accordion books. Once the class really got to know ROY, I felt it was time for our newest adventure…

We started by learning/ reviewing our primary colors: RED, BLUE, & YELLOW. They got the hang of this quick! Shortly after, we started to learn about Navajo & Peruvian weaving culture by reading, The Goat in the Rug, by Charles L. Blood and Martin Link. The book introduced us to the process of making yarn, rinsing it in water, dying it, and eventually making it into beautiful textiles, such as rugs and baskets. We got to feel a real handwoven rug from Peru and then decided to make some textiles ourselves.

We compared our basket making process to upside spaghetti. Using styrofoam bowls as our bases, we dipped red, yellow, and blue yarn into water and glue and then laid them on our bowls. After drying for a few days, it was time to personalize them using designs and colors of our choice!

multicolor yarn in a bowl shape multicolor yarn in a bowl shape multicolor yarn with colorful spirals in bowl shape red and yellow yarn in a bowl shape

Categories Fall 2019, Student Teacher Blog