folded multicolor fabric

I taught a 1-day lesson with 5th grade that was very successful and fun. Something I struggled

with during my placement is having a hook in the beginning of teaching

my lessons. “How will I engage my students in wanting to make this

project?” With this Shibori project, I finally achieved hooking my

students in the project. I gave some background about where Shibori

comes from and what it is. I then gave some quick instruction.

However, I hooked them by showing them the colorful final product

and asking them what 3 colors I used to create all the colors they see

on my fabric. It worked out well and as a result, they had a lot of

fun, learned where this art form originated from, and have a cool

piece of fabric which can be made into something new!

fabric dyed in geometric pattern

Categories Fall 2019, Student Teacher Blog, Uncategorized