Family Spotlight: Carlson Family
Today we’re thrilled to spotlight the Carlson family! Curt, Corky, Cameron and VCU students Ian and Blake are from Hamilton, Virginia. Ian, and English major, and Blake, a Communications and Advertising major, are set to graduate as members of the Class of 2022. Check out our interview with the Carlson family below:
What made you all choose VCU?
The urban vibe is what sold my students on the school. They love the walkability and the urban feel of the campus. They love Richmond.
What has been your favorite experience at VCU so far?
We have loved exploring and getting to know the city of Richmond. We think of VCU and Richmond synonymously.
What was your favorite Family Weekend event and why? (If you did not attend Family Weekend you pick another event you attended)
There are two events we loved. We attended a basketball game which was fun, and our favorite events have been the SALT show and Improv.
Have you had any memorable moments with your student so far this year? (i.e. calling you the first time they were sick on their own, etc.)
Our memorable moment this year was having them home with us during the quarantine. It felt like recaptured time with them. We enjoyed family dinners together, watching movies, and doing puzzles and games. We hadn’t had that much time together since they were in middle school. It was time that we likely wouldn’t have had with them if it had been a traditional college year.
What advice would you give to students and/or other parents and families?
Call your student – not just texting. Don’t be afraid to reach out and talk with them. There is something about hearing their voice and how they sound. Even if you don’t talk long, it matters. And to the students – call home for the same reasons.
What else would you like us to know about your family? (This could be anything you want to share including hobbies, creative remote learning set-ups and more!)
My twins live on campus together. Their freshman year, they wanted to live apart and ended up in dorms at GRC across the hall from each other! The last 2 years, they have roomed together and it works our great for them (and mom and dad).
We want to highlight you! From first-years to super seniors, each month we will spotlight a different family to learn more about their experience with VCU. Interested in being our family of the month? Fill out our Family Spotlight submission form and submit a few photos of your Ram family. We can’t wait to learn more about you!
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